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Distribution Center overcrowd penalty ?
Cogs Posts: 29
Hi, on my assets page, the tab "notes" indicate overcrowded resource production (Farm), overcrowded for the HQ (which is in a crops farming production mode), ok, and what ? the Distribution Center as well ? How come ? Bug (developer or coding typo ?) ? Overcharges costs per turn ? The DBC is not a resource producing structure, is it ..
Vulpex Posts: 390
It's not your building that is overcrowded, it's the resource.
There is a "Field" resource in that area from which you extract raw materials both with your HQ and with your farm
Because the total extraction rate (from all players) on that resource is over 1000 - there is overcrowding. All buildings that are extracting from that resource have the same level of overcrowding penalty.
Oh and, as distribution centers don't extract anything from resources - well they don't get overcrowded (though there might be competition for the selling / buying)
Cogs Posts: 29
Thanks for the quick feedback Vulpex, but I think you got it wrong: a distribution center is not extracting a resource thus is not overcrowding anything in this regard, neithe is the one in quaestion selling or buying the regarded resource - you just made this point yourself, so distribution centers shall not fall under the overcrowd situation at all. I am handling the game for 6 months now and understand the concept of an overcrowd resource position.
Vulpex Posts: 390
So you are saying that you have an Ocrowd penalty right now in your distribution center? Sorry I didn't understand that from your first post but yes if that's the case it's certainly a bug.