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A few requests Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 7

Posts: 7
Having played the game for just over a week, here are a few suggestions....

On the "Move to Location" order, is there any chance of putting the time required in turns once you've added a destination. My freighter sets off for Saturn and I can't be bothered to log how long it takes. I haven't gone that in depth. All I know is it gets there. Giving a time would help me and others work out how much benefit would be gained from upgrading movement.

Any chance of recording how much a transport/freighter sells each turn under the display logs....perhaps include a locations volume and price too. This would help having to search out under accounting.

Finally, when building a ship, how about including ALL data about it. Surely if I'm building it I should know the HP's, Cargo etc.

One last suggestion that is probably more controversial......when a location buys, how about it buys 1500 units from everybody first before going to the %age formula currently used. This would help newbies without really hindering experienced players e.g. Lets suppose a location will buy 100k units and Player A turns up with 198500 and Player B has 1500. At present Player B will sell very little. Under my suggestion he will sell everything whilst Player A will barely notice a drop.

As I said, I'm fairly new and perhaps some of these things are available, I just haven't found them.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Tunguska wrote:
Having played the game for just over a week, here are a few suggestions....

On the "Move to Location" order, is there any chance of putting the time required in turns once you've added a destination. My freighter sets off for Saturn and I can't be bothered to log how long it takes. I haven't gone that in depth. All I know is it gets there. Giving a time would help me and others work out how much benefit would be gained from upgrading movement.

Any chance of recording how much a transport/freighter sells each turn under the display logs....perhaps include a locations volume and price too. This would help having to search out under accounting.

Finally, when building a ship, how about including ALL data about it. Surely if I'm building it I should know the HP's, Cargo etc.

One last suggestion that is probably more controversial......when a location buys, how about it buys 1500 units from everybody first before going to the %age formula currently used. This would help newbies without really hindering experienced players e.g. Lets suppose a location will buy 100k units and Player A turns up with 198500 and Player B has 1500. At present Player B will sell very little. Under my suggestion he will sell everything whilst Player A will barely notice a drop.

As I said, I'm fairly new and perhaps some of these things are available, I just haven't found them.

1) something I'm working on

2) Under Corproate > Accounting > BuySell Detail. Its hows you exactly what unit sold what, where and for how much/demand etc

3) Also something I need to work on =)

4) I can't set a minimum like that. It has to go by Buy Sell Power. There was a lot of conversation on this early on. If you want to sell more under competition, bring more "power". Bring more transport cargo to buy, or bring more of the product to sell... Or attack the other guy! A newbie player is not going to get equal ground with a veteran when selling at a location. And this situation typical happens wen the price moves drastically because of an event and everyone shows up.
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