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Mining power is wrong Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 64

Posts: 64
At least according to the manual.
The Guide has this to say on the topic:
"There is an Overcrowding mechanic on asteroid mining similar to normal structures. After 1000 total power mining a location in a single turn, every 1000 power worth of ships mining that same location in the same turn will cause a drop in production for everyone. The penalty is divide the total quantity by 1 + (0.1 for every 1000 power past the first). For example mining a 15 value resource at 3000 power would be (15 x 30) / 1.2 = 375 and not 450 it normally would have been."
However my observations have been that the penalty is actually 1 + (1 for every 1000 power past the first.) Or, to put it plainly, "Amount never increases beyond 10xresource value, and if more than 1000 total power is involved in mining, the 1000 power amount is split between participants according to their power."
edited by Aywanez on 7/13/2017
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