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Ocrowd - facilities with reduced production Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 390

Posts: 390
My understanding of the Ocrowd mechanism was that the more materials are extracted from a resource, the higher the Ocrowd goes.

However this is not what seems to be happening.

Specifically Ocrowd seems to consider facilities which are not in production (HALTED) to be in full production when calculating the Ocrowd penalty. Thus even if several people in a location are not producing anything the rest is hit by a potentially very significant Ocrowd penalty.

It seems like this is both a bug and a problem as it can be used to cheaply overcrowd locations (you overcrowd by not producing anything - so you pay very little for causing the Ocrowd).

I suspect that this is not what is intended but it has at times a very important impact on the game economics.

(I am not sure how Ocrowding handles facilities in partial production but that may be also an issue? Maybe worth checking if this is being looked into)
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