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AI Supervirus Takes A LOT more than 10% of profits Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 23

Posts: 23
Just a heads up that your description of what the AI supervirus does dramatically underestimates the amount of profits it steals. This is because it takes 10% of all surplus value each turn but when you have a negative value on other turns it doesn't reimburse you 10% of the value of whatever you paid for. In any productive economy profits are realized at the END of a long cycle when you factor in all the costs of production, including the largest cost of building factories, distribution centres, purchasing transports etc. What this virus is doing is taking 10% of all revenues and that is a lot higher, about 10x more than what 10% of profits would be. I'm still pretty new to this game but I'll make the estimate that actual profits only amount to about about 20 to 25% of total revenues at most. So 10% of profits would only add up to about 2 to 2.5% of total revenues. That means if you take 10% of revenues you are effectively cutting people's profits in half, maybe worse (probably much worse for new players who have virtually no cash flow at the beginning, which is unfair and discouraging).

In the case the mercantilists in the game, who focus mainly on trade and don't bother with production, their losing 10% of the sale price, which means they also pay 10% more for the goods they bought and effectively lose about 20% of their profits. For example if you buy goods for 1 million credits and then sell them for 2 million credits you are losing 200,000 credits on a 1 million credit profit.

My suggestion to fix this is to take 10% of profits at the end of 100 turns, rather than taking it every turn for 100 turns so that it more accurately reflects 10% of overall profits.
edited by EventHorizon on 12/5/2017
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