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Error when loading demand screen Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 60

Posts: 60
This has happend quiet a while for me now. When I try to open the demand screen for a city the error page opens after a while on a regular basis. I cant tell you under what conditions exactly this happens, because sometimes it works as well. But in my opinion the demand screen might be the most important screen in the game for a lot of players. And if its not working or is loading slow, the game is close to unplayable since managing your buys and sells is the bread and butter of the game (at least for me).

If you have logging for this. It happend as I am typing this when trying to load the demand page for Oral/Mars (game turn 30012, about 3 minutes in)
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
If its taking that long, just kill it, you're probably causing the problem =)

I suspect the database is doing something screwy or needs the indexes rebuilt, something I do weekly already. On big cities, the list of players sells is a little difficult of a query but normally it comes back in a second or two at most
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Posts: 60

Posts: 60
How exactly can i "kill it"? Closing the tab and trying it in another one doesnt help. Logout / Login does nothing if i remember correctly. I just hope the problem corrects itself in the next turn or at some point later when i try again. Which it may or may not.

I m no expert but what kind of index needs to be rebuild weekly?
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
nynobernie wrote:
How exactly can i "kill it"? Closing the tab and trying it in another one doesnt help. Logout / Login does nothing if i remember correctly. I just hope the problem corrects itself in the next turn or at some point later when i try again. Which it may or may not.

I m no expert but what kind of index needs to be rebuild weekly?

The database is caching a plan to run the same kind of query all day, but occasionally it gets "old" or the data changes slightly, New corps, more cities whatever. and the plan no longer applies or isn't the best way to call it, There is also a problem where , after thousands of new trades and old ones falling off the logs, the index that groups up the data nicely to be queried easily become "fragmented" and suddenly the database has to scan huge swats of logs trying to put together how many trades of Exotic Chem ON a City in Mars broken out by corps is. Rebuilding Indexes once a week on high traffic servers is normal to keep that problem at bay. It's asking a lot of non Enterprise level machine to spit out specific grids of trades by location, city, corps, product on the fly across what is literally a million rows of data in under a second to a dozen people slamming it.

However, that usually causes slowdowns not what I occasionally see which is a full lockup trying to bring back a list of trades. It might be someone spamming the screen in a way that I'm not catching (if you try to spam a screen or hold refresh it will redirect you quickly). Most likely the database is having a hiccup with a particular parameter and some one is trying to 12 times in a row.
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