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Ship keeps getting stuck on Pick Up orders
Armitage Posts: 7
I have a space train by the name of SI Grocer that goes to my meat production facility and picks up all products, no quantity (so entire hold), then moves to my farm to do the same, then back to Buna to drop off all products and loops. This space train used to go and pick up whatever was currently present at the ranch, then move on to the farm. Currently, it keeps getting stuck on the Pick Up All Products command and waiting for a full cargo hold before moving on to the farm. I've seen this happen before, but only when setting a specific amount to pick up, or if the Pick Up All command was after a few other specific Pick Up commands.

For comparison, I have a ship called SI Water, that visits two sites on Sirius 4 and picks up whatever's present, and this loop works exactly as expected.
 edited by Armitage on 6/27/2018
jimbobdaz Posts: 83
Do you have more than one product at the location it gets stuck? i`ve had this where it collects one then next turn collects the other and gets stuck in this loop
Armitage Posts: 7
Ah, that's it! There's 1440 Beef at the location. So every turn my Ranch produces 1440 fish, the ship picks up the fish, then waits till the next turn to get the beef. But the ranch produces another 1440 fish and that gets picked up instead.
One of the ways to fix this is to set my ship to pick up specific products and change its orders each time I change Ranch or Farm production, but I definitely will forget to do that. I could set an order for each type of Crop and Meat, but that will add 8 more turns to the total trip. Or, I could scrap the old products when I change orders, which should only be necessary if there's 1440 or less.
Thanks, JBD! edited by Armitage on 6/27/2018
jimbobdaz Posts: 83
No problem