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How to Handle raiding of Items
Which way do you think Item Raiding should be handled?
No Item raiding at all. The way it is currently: | 7  |
Based on difference in Attack Power. Scaled to the Item Size: | 1  |
Based on difference in Attack Power. Scaled to the Item Value: | 2  |
One qty of specific Item per attack. Threshold of success based on Attack Power. : | 8  |
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
Currently you cannot "Raid" (via the option in the attack order) items from another player. You can raid product at a location, And I don't think you can raid form ships at all. There is a fear about allowing people to raid items because large items and artifacts are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. But stealing artifacts is a highly desired feature. We can perhaps allow stealing of items in total annihilation situations. Where if you are raiding "items" you get all items at the location for whoever you attacked provided there is no longer any opposition to your attack. In a normal product raid situation you have to have a certain threshold of military power over the defenders, About 2x I believe to take what you want, less than that reduces the amount you can raid. With items I don't know if we can do something similar because of the wild price difference between items. Although we can make some sort of scale on Item "size" (Cargo space) or "Value" (Item cost) where taking something bigger or more valuable is harder somehow. Which way do you think Item Raiding should be handled?
nynobernie Posts: 60
Maybe only make fragments raidable? So once combined into an artifact they are safe?
Arguably the only thing else one would be interested in would be megastructure acps. Personally I would be fine if those could not be raided. edited by nynobernie on 10/10/2019
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
nynobernie wrote:
Maybe only make fragments raidable? So once combined into an artifact they are safe?
Arguably the only thing else one would be interested in would be megastructure acps. Personally I would be fine if those could not be raided. edited by nynobernie on 10/10/2019
I think that if you have a lot more military power than the opposing side you should be able to raid an item. The easy way is to just say if you wipe them out or if there is no military power on the other side. you can take all items you can carry.
Wreith42 Posts: 58
Adequate defense was impossible in the old world where we all had the money to burn. If there was some alert system that would let us know BEFORE we're attacked that something was coming, I might be okay with this, but as it stands, I'm very opposed.
DeltaX1121 Posts: 7
I think this could be great for sudden shifts in power. just imagine small corps raiding a megastructure ACP and turning the game on its head. Off course, that would only happen to a player once... ever.