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New Megastructure ideas
Ranged Posts: 10
I have some ideas for various megastructures that I believe would fit the game pretty well. The current ones are cool, but the variety is a bit lacking 
City scale (MCP):
- Mega Industrial Complex
Increases the output of all production facilities in the city, without affecting upkeep. - Supercomputing Facility
Increases the research points the owner has available.
Planet scale (OCP):
- Ringworld habitat. Reference:
Provides a population growth bonus (like an arcology) to every planet on the city. Additionally, structures can be build at the ringworld city, and civilian services can be sold to it as if it were a spaceport.
- Orbital mirrors. Reference from The Expanse:
These massive structures can direct sunlight from orbit to a certain point on the ground, allowing for massive greenhouses and farms on planets that would normally be extremely hard to farm on. Structure can not be built around Terran or Toxic planets (too many clouds. Gas giants is fine, the cities float above the clouds!). This megastructure will create farm and ranch resource nodes on the planet below. Node value and the amount of nodes will scale with the level of the structure.
System scale (OCP, new, must be around system star):- Supergate.
This massive, expensive supergate can only be deployed on one of the four spots around a star. Once deployed, it can link to another supergate in a different star system. Travel between two linked supergates is instantaneous.
- Dyson Swarm.
Not quite a Dyson Sphere, this megastructure is a large amount of huge solar arrays in close orbit around the sun. Cheap energy! Reduces production costs of all industry in the system.
- Solar Forge.
The most advanced shipyard imaginable. This expensive facility allows the direct of certain rare, advanced units. (E.g. the supercarriers, battlestars and the other units like those. Maybe some artifact units.)
Feel free to suggest other structure ideas you might have! edited by Ranged on 11/11/2019
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
This stuff is already being worked on
Ringworld Planetary structure, built at 12:12 , will actually have a ring graphic around the planet on viewscreen. Population boost for planet.
Defense Grid - another kind of ring that is the reverse of orbital guns. It is essentially an ion cannon that will join any fight you have units at.
System scale is the Dyson Swarm - It will build up Dark Energy (kind of like research facility) which can be spent on 3 different effects. A singularity Cannon (Supernova cannon was taken) which targets any location in the system and is pretty much a nuke in combat.. An Arcturus Reaction which is a system wide pop booster and Perhaps a Graviton Wave which boosts production. It will also have a a Zero Point Disruptor (Really just pulling these names out of a Sci Fi Hat) that will create a temporary Wormhole which is instant transportation to another location, 2 directional. Upgrading the dyson swarm allows for more energy generation/storge and allows expending more energy at once to make bigger reactions or worm holes at farther distances
Ranged Posts: 10
Ohh cool, curious to see how it will work out
AresCorp Posts: 20
A Super-Arena deployed in space, where units can park, and then put their ships up to fight in the same way that resources are put on the market, and/or create contracts to fight battles. You could drop off your infantry to go fight another infantry, or put up massive armies. There could be rewards for winning, and the owner of the MCP-Arena gets a cut. Maybe you could even "bet" on certain high-profile match-ups or something. Think BOTG horse-racing.