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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Game is running.

  • Game stuck on turn 1755. Found the problem. Game turn moving again
  • Game stuck on turn 1763. Base being destroyed while having something in queue wasn't being handled. Is now. Game turn moving again.
  • Game stuck at 1770. Bug with what I think is corpHQ being destroyed while something in queue also, need to look at tonight
  • Game was stuck on 2950, The cost of Terran Federation Military exceeded 32 bit integer. Funny
  • Game was stuck on 5563. Production calculation somewhere exceeded a Int16 integer.

    edited by DrDread on 6/19/2016
    edited by DrDread on 6/19/2016
    edited by DrDread on 6/20/2016
    edited by DrDread on 6/20/2016

edited by DrDread on 6/20/2016
edited by DrDread on 6/28/2016
edited by DrDread on 7/17/2016
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