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Raids and military occupation Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 40

Posts: 40
I think that raids are a really important and interesting feature of the game. But in a way they are a waste and could maybe be improved :

- Raids always end by destroying the defender. Maybe there should be an additionnal option for the attacker to let the construictions intact, or with a defined % of HP, to continue raiding a small part of the production.

- In the case where all units and constructions of the defender are destroyed, picking up faster the ressources would be really appreciable.

- Construction could have a "surrender" option, which allow the ennemy to "occupy" the structure after a defined amout of damage when all military units were destroyed, thus stopping the attack. In exchange of the cease-fire, the raid would be more efficient by a few times.

This could bring an even better dynamic to the game, opposed to the political system, where players control other cities and get a financial and ressources tributes from the occupied players (the percentage is defined by the game to prevent abuses). In opposition, players who liberate cities may get a bonus in the next election (once it is implemented).
A sort of republics against empire.

It is probably difficult to do and to balance, but it would be really enjoyable !
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