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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
There's were some changes to Military units today. Please bear in mind these aren't final and the changes are usually dramatic and blunt. The big one is that cost of all the ground units, from variteks on down were doubled. This was easier than bringing down the cost of ships. Also military units in relation to the scale of money being moved around were way to small. Everyone is happily pumping out a bunch of units without the worry of their cost because they didn't cost much.

Many of the attack values of the units were tweaked also, again not a final change but more towards appropriate values.

The carrier costs only 8 mil not 12mil and can carry 40 hangar instead of 20.
The bigger ships hit ground targets harder now.
Structures (Factories etc) have only 500 hit points base instead of 1000.
All units can now be loaded onto carriers UNLESS they have cargo. The units must drop their product or they won't be picked up. Also the carriers still pick up on an all or nothing mechanic when it comes to hangar space. Hopefully we can work a "pickup as many as you can" mechanic in soon.
Infantry has 20 cargo space now.
You shouldn't' be able to upgrade hangar on units with no hangar to begin with anymore. the bugged units will be fixed eventually
Transports should drop their specific amount of product when set to.
The combat matrix on the websites Guide Page >> Combat was updated to show everything on the units now
Also, if you haven't noticed, there is a "Mass Asset Upgrade" Button on the assets page about the Create Group/Fleet buttons. They allow you to upgrade everyone at once if you like.
The City Creation procedure was added to the Galaxy expansion code. If a location out in Olegard Ssytem gets 500 industry going it will spawn a new city!
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