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Problem with trading

Game mechanic doesn't necessarily model realities to perfection. Sure, one gold mine doesn't necessarily affect neighboring mine's production. But in real world, there would be a limited places you can dig mine for withing a certain region. If all gold-bearing sites has already been bought, than you have no choice but go elsewhere. In this game, instead of having a hard cap where if your competitors exploit too much of the resource, there's no share for you, you got a soft cap where corps are penalized for overcrowding a site. It affect everybody equally probably for the sake of balance, so that's neither the newer nor the older corp got more advantages.

As for late-game, that's what the other planets/systems/sectors for?

By the way, Phemanaught, your screenshot was too wide it stretch my screen. Put it inside spoilers or something.
edited by Salbazier on 8/24/2016
Problem with trading

Phemanaught wrote:
This is not a healthy beta environment, it is just a echo chamber,
the point of beta is to get feed back from players.
Good luck with your game but I will no longer take part.

This is not feedback, it is just whining.
A player's input is not automatically always a good idea and and neither they are entitled to have the developer obliged their every demand.
You are also not the only player with the right of opinion. Me and Vulpex disssent over your 'suggestion' is also feedback from players.
edited by Salbazier on 8/24/2016

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