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How do you build and use Distribution Centers?

Are there any strategies and tips as to effectively utilizing Distribution Centers that you vetran players might like to share? Or - if you don't use them, why not?
edited by TraderVic on 12/18/2017
edited by TraderVic on 12/18/2017
edited by TraderVic on 12/18/2017
How does one actually apply to join a Guild?

Is there an Apply button, or a Join Button that a player can click/tap to apply or automatically join?

Or does one have to message the Guild leader somehow?
How does one actually apply to join a Guild?

Okay, So how does one find out who the recruiters for a particular guild are?
How do you build and use Distribution Centers?

Okay, that's a good scenario on the sell side. But what about on the buy side? The distribution Center could also be used as an opportunistic "purchasing" agent, I suppose. However I don't see how it is useful on the buy side, due to the very small buy increments allowed (unless of course you level up to increase the volume of purchase for each item you might be interested in, which would allow you to purchase a larger quantity of products per turn, but even so, what then? as you accumulate a stockpile of products, the storge costs escalate - until you haul it all away, presumably to the cities where it is most valued. But if you haul off too much of it and the transport reaches it's sales city destination, you encounter the same situation as you described: "it make take ALL DAY (or multiple days) to sell everything (in your cargo hold).

So it seems to me that the distribution is not as useful as it could be on the buy side. There is also a counter-intuitiveness to your Distribution Center as it is currently implemented. To me, a Distribution Center buys globally, and sells locally, sort of like a sales (or factory) outlet, really. The way you have it, your version of a DC is restricted to both buying AND selling locally. Maybe what you should do is to allow the Distribution Center to buy from one additional city for each level upgrade. The owner would designate the city to be added, and once chosen that city is fixed (unless the city fails, of course)!
How do you build and use Distribution Centers?

If on the other hand, you do not wish to change the Distribution Center in the above-described manner for whatever reason, I would like to propose that - since Distribution Centers are a fixed entity, they receive purchase order fulfillment priority - for any DC in the city, for any products ordered by any of the DC's in the city, their orders are filled ahead of any other orders on a first-come, first-served basis. So all cargo orders are fulfilled only after all DC orders are processed first. Naturally, the number of different products you recieve this fulfillment priority on would depend on your upgrade level. At level 1, only 1 product recieves fulfillment priority; level - 2 products, and so on. This would certainly make DCs more viable on the buy-side.
edited by TraderVic on 12/20/2017
Reduction of Storage fees

Memorandum of Storage Fee Reduction Events:

Event A: Mahavara/nynobernie/Neerio triumvirate complains about high storage costs and subsequently successfully convince DoctorDread to halve storage costs.
Event B: Storage Costs Half Price mechanism put into effect! Celebrations ensue.

... some time later:
Event C: LOOP to Event A infinitely.

edited by TraderVic on 12/20/2017
edited by TraderVic on 12/20/2017
edited by TraderVic on 12/20/2017

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