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Pirate bounties are terribly flawed Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 61

Posts: 61
Event ID:17499

Damage Taken
Orexis Industries:72%

This payout exemplifies the issues I've previously brought up with the payouts being based on damage taken. The other Corp sent in a single scout to intentionally die knowing at minimum they get 20 million in payout if Noone destroyed the pirates. In this case they got 54 million of a 200 million payout, which after repairs and fleet upkeep costs is a significant impact to the one fielding a fleet strong enough to to take it down in addition to the time investment of sending a fleet to another system

I know you've said tracking damage dealt is very difficult but the current system promotes sending in hp bonuses cheap units to take damage and steal bounties from those actually bothering to fight. Even in the case of someone sending in a large fleet of bombers against fighters, payouts shouldnt reward fighting dumb and should reward someone fighting smart and bringing in something effective at taking out fighters. And please remove the 10% payout for not killing the pirate, the alien motherships pay 100+ mil for sending any unit in to die.

Another issue is payouts for high level ground based "hostile raiders" do not scale at all. A level 9 military base is extremely tough to crack even with a good fleet and pays only 30 mil - my repair costs were ~70 million. While a much easier level 6 "pirate raiders" pays 200 mil.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Orexis wrote:
Event ID:17499

Damage Taken
Orexis Industries:72%

This payout exemplifies the issues I've previously brought up with the payouts being based on damage taken. The other Corp sent in a single scout to intentionally die knowing at minimum they get 20 million in payout if Noone destroyed the pirates. In this case they got 54 million of a 200 million payout, which after repairs and fleet upkeep costs is a significant impact to the one fielding a fleet strong enough to to take it down in addition to the time investment of sending a fleet to another system

I know you've said tracking damage dealt is very difficult but the current system promotes sending in hp bonuses cheap units to take damage and steal bounties from those actually bothering to fight. Even in the case of someone sending in a large fleet of bombers against fighters, payouts shouldnt reward fighting dumb and should reward someone fighting smart and bringing in something effective at taking out fighters. And please remove the 10% payout for not killing the pirate, the alien motherships pay 100+ mil for sending any unit in to die.

Another issue is payouts for high level ground based "hostile raiders" do not scale at all. A level 9 military base is extremely tough to crack even with a good fleet and pays only 30 mil - my repair costs were ~70 million. While a much easier level 6 "pirate raiders" pays 200 mil.

If we can't use damage dealt easily for now, what about using unit Power instead? All the Unit power used in every round of combat as the attacker. That would give a lot more swing to large ground units in the fight who are attacking because they can get to huge power levels even though they may not be doing much damage at all. Ground units will be absorbing a huge percentage of the fire most likely however. This would prevent anyone sending in small worthless ships, like freighters, to "Tank" with as they wouldn't add up to much percentage of the total power used.

Ships, like pirates, are more difficult to deal with because you kind of have to go with ships to fight them effectively. You can bring a monster ground force but that sounds expensive. Also, fleets don't do that much damage to ground targets but they take very little. only artillery and air force really do anything to ships from the ground, besides defenses. When attacking the shipyard you should bring some commandos, even a handful will probably do more damage than your fleet to the structures.

If you ignore the ships you can bring in a big commando force and simply take out the shipyard. You don't have to even kill the ships.
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Posts: 61

Posts: 61
Unit power does make a lot more sense. And yeah I carry artillery and bombers with me for military bases, though I think bomber damage vs fortifications/bases should be higher personally. Would commandos or other units such as battlesuits and artillery participate in a battle in space or would the battle have to be over land? Doesn't really make sense to me for ground units to be able to fight in space but just curious (I know they do low damage to ships, it just doesn't make logical sense to me is all)
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Orexis wrote:
Unit power does make a lot more sense. And yeah I carry artillery and bombers with me for military bases, though I think bomber damage vs fortifications/bases should be higher personally. Would commandos or other units such as battlesuits and artillery participate in a battle in space or would the battle have to be over land? Doesn't really make sense to me for ground units to be able to fight in space but just curious (I know they do low damage to ships, it just doesn't make logical sense to me is all)

Certain units fight in space. Fighters, bombers, variteks and even commandos and infantry (Assault shuttles) but certain units don't. like Transports, artillery, mechanized. Battlesuits DO fight in space. I'm not 100% sure that's implemented but that is what they are flagged for.

There is no reason to have a space fight right now. Until We bring in things like warp gates or especially mining asteroids we won't see many "Space Fights". There are no places or structures of interest in "space" right now.
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Posts: 61

Posts: 61
Mainly interception of other large fleets. If you know how fast they move, you can predict what locations they'll be in on what turns and lay there with the attack order repeating smile Also for large freighter convoys with escorts, it's usually easy to see what their repeating route is, and wait on one of their turning points in space and attack there
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