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Fleet ejected my troops Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 14

Posts: 14
Well I am about to lose a couple of hours of flight time. Had to turn around and go pick up a Cargo transport Ground unit and a Infantry that was just randomly ejected into space. Good thing I woke up and rolled out of bed to check as it seems to now be dying slowly what with being stuck in the vacuum of space.. Fleet is now at Sector 1 | 11:11 | 21:15 | 24:24

Going back for units at 23:17 | 22:22 or 122069972 : 190429197

Tumble Weed L1 4 Paper Street 23:17 | 22:22 96% HP (In Space)
Sgt Sapling 5 Paper Street 23:17 | 22:22 96% HP (In Space)

--- I have been napping past couple hours I did not make any command to eject my units. I am already slow boating my way from Sol to Laver City. This is kinda like the equivalent of going from Vermont to Florida and realizing you left Grandma at that rest stop back in Kentucky when you just hit border of Georgia.. Yes I did turn around and I am going back. I just hope you are paying for gas...

Please let me get there before they die... Looks like I better get coffee on :coffee
New Orders:

1 Move To Location Alpha | Orion | Sector 1 | 11:11 | 23:17 | 22:22
2 Load / Unload Units Load Units: Specific Units
3 Load / Unload Units Load Units: Specific Units
4 Move To Location Alpha | Orion | Sector 1 | Gulyaev | Gulyaev V | Laver

You may be asking what was I doing at a rest stop in Kentucky anyways. Well Captain that's a great question, the way they fly this ship I am wondering this myself..
edited by IamGroot on 3/11/2017

"We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like."

- Tyler Durden
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
IamGroot wrote:
Well I am about to lose a couple of hours of flight time. Had to turn around and go pick up a Cargo transport Ground unit and a Infantry that was just randomly ejected into space. Good thing I woke up and rolled out of bed to check as it seems to now be dying slowly what with being stuck in the vacuum of space.. Fleet is now at Sector 1 | 11:11 | 21:15 | 24:24

Going back for units at 23:17 | 22:22 or 122069972 : 190429197

Tumble Weed L1 4 Paper Street 23:17 | 22:22 96% HP (In Space)
Sgt Sapling 5 Paper Street 23:17 | 22:22 96% HP (In Space)

--- I have been napping past couple hours I did not make any command to eject my units. I am already slow boating my way from Sol to Laver City. This is kinda like the equivalent of going from Vermont to Florida and realizing you left Grandma at that rest stop back in Kentucky when you just hit border of Georgia.. Yes I did turn around and I am going back. I just hope you are paying for gas...

Please let me get there before they die... Looks like I better get coffee on :coffee
New Orders:

1 Move To Location Alpha | Orion | Sector 1 | 11:11 | 23:17 | 22:22
2 Load / Unload Units Load Units: Specific Units
3 Load / Unload Units Load Units: Specific Units
4 Move To Location Alpha | Orion | Sector 1 | Gulyaev | Gulyaev V | Laver

You may be asking what was I doing at a rest stop in Kentucky anyways. Well Captain that's a great question, the way they fly this ship I am wondering this myself..
edited by IamGroot on 3/11/2017

This has happened to other players. I haven't figured out where it is coming from yet. I've seen it maybe 3 times total. I think it might have something to do with upgrading units that are loaded but that shouldn't be possible. I'll take a look at it again and see if I can figure out where it comes from.
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Posts: 14

Posts: 14
I was not upgrading any units that were loaded. I did during the voyage decide to upgrade one of the ships in my fleet group. The corvette, which was not carrying anything. Resources and ACP items were also on board the same ship and they were not ejected.

"We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like."

- Tyler Durden
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Posts: 61

Posts: 61
Has happened to me 3 times and can also confirm no units or ships were upgrading at all. Simply the units got pooped out randomly. Unable to determine any possible cause myself
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Posts: 14

Posts: 14
Well my fleet got to Laver city.. No further faulty airlock mishaps however 2 things..

The ACP structure / and the ACP military base are no longer in my cargo inventory..
This is a small problem seeing how long it took to get here.

Second issue is maybe just inexperience related. I cant break my Fleet group up into individual components.. I see the (remove) far right on Manage page but it does nothing. Any help on this?
Okay separated ships however I need to note that I had full cargo on a Carrier with 2 ACP Items rest was then loaded with Resources and had two units. 1000 storage space.
I then loaded or think I did the Freighter.. I forget what and joined it to fleet group. Part of dissecting Fleet group was just that I had to determine what ship was carrying what cargo.

Now that all are separated I see much empty cargo space between the two ships.. Meaning something else was lost.. When I went back to pick up my troops in dead space I saw no ACP items or resources to reload. Anyways whatever happened to the cargo is beyond me I cant honestly remember all of what I choose to pack.
I think it was meat that got lost.

Anyways the ACP items are also a set back for the whole trip. I will see if I can bribe SCU to make one for me until then I will find a work around. Like maybe selling from the Ground unit transporter instead of building the proposed ACP Distribution center. Military ACP was for just making a start at helping defend - however Rupture farms just made a generous auction sale that challenges my military logistics so that is not so big a loss at this time.

- Last note is I see some areas like this Fleet compilation / decomposition stuff I would not mind helping by writing up and say adding an Advanced guide to BOTG forums that maybe can be added to and made into a future sticky thread. Some of the things tutorial is not covering but can be learned trial and error may not be so easy for some guys who lose patience easy.

edited by IamGroot on 3/13/2017
edited by IamGroot on 3/13/2017

"We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like."

- Tyler Durden
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
There is definitely some sort of bug with fleets when they are updated whenever something changes. I haven't been able to duplicate it so I can't easily correct it. I'm sure it will be stupid once I find it =)
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