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Interface example

I bet all pictures I used here have been copyrighted in someway, just used paint and copy paste with images from google
Suggestions for features

4 Suggestions

1. More info and options on distribution center

2. Auto rally point when out of orders for units

3. More automation when issuing orders for units

4. Move multiple units or fleets to available rally points within reach


@Doctor Dread

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Game loop

I think it would be a practical idea to reset the game after certain amount of turns(?) for the game experience and have a scoreboard for those who won the finished game runs in terms of power(?)
Each new game run will be differently generated; resource locations, maybe even planets and their cities.
Based on paid player base the universe will expand it's borders on where allowed to settle, example; each premium player will open an additional SOL to travel+settle.
Unpaid player base can settle anywhere on the starter SOL, in case of to overcrowding of starter SOL; additional SOL unlocked for unpaid players.

Exploits I can currently think of or unintended side effects: multi-accounts and their influence on the game grid

Just throwing in a wild guess.^

Additional gameplay,
Finding opportunities for expeditions while exploring to find special military units which have significant reduced upkeep cost or whatever one time things to find.
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Game loop

Forgot to add it put everyone back on a same chances level at a certain amount of time.
Game loop

My experience with these kind of things is that you always see a large influx of returning players once everything has reset so that everyone has once again the same chances (opportunities to become apex), also one example is a person who just player it one week a few months ago, than for example gets an announcement inside his mail that the game is going to start over again, and might think this is my chance to become the big fish in this game.

The sad concept about the majority of these web browser like games is to give the player the illusion that it is in the opportunity to become the greatest legend of all time, he or she is in the chance of making history, of course this is bound with micro transactions iynwim.
It's a whole business industry, and psychological studied strategy to give the chances/illusion to one player to feel special in her/his life for once, just like 'everyone' dreams to be famous for example.
The truth is the reason I play this game for example is yes I want to be the big fish or like I want to spread my influence, and I bet everyone who play it does it for that exact same reason, maybe that's even the concept of the game.
But there are different approaches to this, you could exploit this concept what people are thriving for like most of these companies do, and milk them like cattle while keeping the illusion, and keep people in the spending habit because they invested already a ton in it, or create situations where people want to satisfy the need for revenge, and money can fix that for you. (people will swim whole oceans for the feeling and need of revenge if they can, and many developers and their shareholders know this)
You can make a lot of money by just poking for big fish. Off Topic
So I don't understand with this game which is an original idea, with no micro transactions has such a low player base.
But to tell the truth from my perspective I wouldn't recommend this game to my friends for example because it's that 'mainstream fun', maybe this could be because of the low player count which doesn't create sufficient content, I don't know, to me it's just I like to work with spreadsheets and I don't like micro transactions and constantly reminding me that I could become the big legend.( I can work with spreadsheets if this extends my influence on grid in this game, not because I have a passion for clicking on my mouse in particular)

But anyway the reason for resetting a server shouldn't be always to correct mistakes from the past, it can also give a game a new fresh start, like a board game, if it's fun you can play it over and over again, everyone wants to take its chances to win it this time, and you gain experience from it when a game is over, not everything is lost.(if you have spend real $$ than it's a different story yes)

And like every new server reset also new developed game mechanics are implanted (rules) which gives each new game an extra fresh start and new beginning and new opportunities to exploit. Edit
Game loop

I'm just making some wild guesses, this game has no micro transactions, is an original design, but only got around 130 active players (counting all corps above lvl 2 atm) while the game is up for like 3 years or something.
There is like a billion people ( who are able to connect to this application, to me it looks like there must be something off than.
Coding wise this game is on the job, and when reading the concept of the game and all the details it feels really like where I would say this is definitely a game for me, but when I'm myself playing it it feels a bit hollow compared to the expectations my expectations have.
I'm also not really complaining about it, if people have a fun and great time and everything is working as far as it is intended there isn't really problem, I just really like to see a game without trying to make me change real currency for fake currency as its only purpose which appeals to me.
Also in my last reply I mentioned about big fish, but I mixed 2 concepts with each other, one big fish about people who want to leave their footprints, and other big fish which I actually referred to whales is what they call them among developers etc in the industry, people who spend a lot of micro transactions, and like really a lot Rulez Nice

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