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Overcrowding indicator in resource views

I just noticed that one of my mining locations has jumped from a modest single-digit overcrowding to over 95% this week. Looking at the location I see that multiple new mining facilities were built there. Did people not see it was already overcrowded?

Oops, that may actually be so. When looking at the viewscreen there is no indicator of overcrowding unless you zoom in to the location level. Something you don't have any reason to do when looking for a new resource location---the planet level already shows all of them nicely.

So my feature request is to indicate the overcrowding in the "Top 10 Areas" list of the viewscreen. I'd suggest yellow numbers for >0 to 15%, red for 15-50% and red+strikethrough for >50%
edited by HenryLoenwind on 10/19/2017
edited by HenryLoenwind on 10/19/2017
Suggestions for features

Because you mentioned order here already, let me add my wishes for orders:

a) Loop Orders worked when loaded (more of a bug fix, I suppose)

b) Saved Orders with parameters. A way to tag certain fields of the orders when saving them so that the game prompts me for those fields when loading the list. This would make loading the usual sell orders I have so much faster.

c) Order queues. A number of central queues with order lists where you can add packages of orders. A new type of order for units would be "take next order package from queue (select)".
make a subforum for excel sheets ?

making greasemonkey scripts will be a pain with the way the game is working. I had a look at it because I wanted to regularly export the Buy/Sell accounting data (having only the last hour there is a bit lacking), but gave up. I wouldn't know how to even navigate there short of simulating clicks...

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