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How Guild Bank should work

I dont want to be taxed by my own guild for some amonout of taxes that i have not aggreed to, because it can ruin my economy if the taxation is to high, so i would like to see a feature in guild where guild leader would tax specific guild members but the guild members will have an option in guild to confirm the taxation or even cancel it at specific times if your balance is in minus. These way every time you would be taxed in guild or the guild taxation changes by certain % you would get notified and would need to confirm the guild leader taxation. So there would not be a need for guild taxation cap i would set it to go even up to 80%.
edited by Harkon on 8/24/2018
How Guild Bank should work

Well if the guild taxation is to high it can hurt your income and you can go in minus and go bankrupt if your offline during that period, you would need to constantly login to check on the guild taxation. Idea is pretty nicely designed to satisfy all players guild leader and members no need to bash on other peoples ideas if you dont't like it.
edited by Harkon on 8/29/2018
How a Capture mechanic should work

I don't like capture idea either, one thing it is to destroy your army and structures or raid products those things you can recover and start over but to steal your corps credits and items that thing you cannot recover easily cus it can take months to acquire those things if not years, as well if your defenses got whipped out and your corp HQ is being constantly raided you will lose all your credits, it's a nice way to make people quit these game after they lose what they have acquired for months. But then again idk where these game is heading more toward economical playstyle or toward the combat playstyle.
Goods Exchange Contracts/System

Selling products for another product is clumsy, unpractical and people would use it very rarely so its pointless to implement something like that. Chance that someone would need your product for another specific product with so many goods in the game is very small aka nonexistent.

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