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Moon Charter - Research Centers

You can't? Oh crap, you're right. That screws up my whole plan.

Maybe we can actually go to dread and ask him to implement this. There is already a mechanic for military structures so it shouldn't be difficult. Unless there is a game balancing issue that I'm not thinking of.

My own thought was that you have 100 or 200 turns from the election to turn over the base. Maybe you negotiate a slightly higher sale price in exchange for turing it over quickly, (if we can get structure sales implemented).
Research Points and Liquidation

It still takes time to build up those production facilities. If your concern is second accounts the point is moot. You would just transfer all the wealth out and start a brand new account. I can't imagine someone investing a lot of money in leveling up second HQ's. And if they are then they are effectively two players cooperating very closely together. It's such a time suck operating one high level corporation effectively that I don't see a lot of practical use for second ones except maybe for espionage or to fight proxy wars.
Moon Charter - Use of Artifacts

It can just be an issue of reputation. Maybe the Lewis city manager, assuming we adopt the proposal I've tabled. Has to approve sales. If I was city manager I might have a standing rule that all sales are approved by default except geotechnicals.

I don't see it coming up very often because there isn't any profit in it. There might be a point some day where someone has more money than god and has gotten over the game and decides to go out with a bang, Glgvir the Unflayed style, I suppose. But that person is probably going to have a small empire in a different sector to prepare that plot.

But just because there isn't a huge incentive we have to deter isn't a reason to not make regulations. God I love regulations! (There is no sarcasm in that statement).
Moon Charter - Use of Artifacts

An addendum to that, are we taking a stand on use of prohibited tech on the outer planets, or just on earth?
Related to the Moon Charter - Reparations

I'm willing to forgo reparations in the interest of progress. The ARK is showing good faith and I will reciprocate. I'll even give The OBSIDIAN Church my Xenoraptors. They have some kind of religious significance to him, don't they?
Moon Charter - Defenses

I'm pushing municipal model where the corp responsible for the defense of the moon is not allowed to conduct research at the same time. See the research thread and consider it.

An advantage there is that it's very easy to review in the view screen an see that everything is as it should be. Look at the deffensive structures, they are all owned by the mayor of Lewis, check. Look at the the structure named New York, is it owned by the mayor of New York? No, but there was an election just a few turns ago so lets see if they have offered a contract to the new mayor Or wait to see if te new mayor complains to the Lewis city manager. There are two operating research stations named Rabat! I need to bring this to the city manager's attention right away so he can burn one down!
Moon Charter - Use of Artifacts

I would propose just Earth, let people go crazy and test stuff out in the outer planets. But it's a minor point I won't contest.
Moon Charter - Defenses

Well, you won't even be up for office if you didn't spend the week before researching. It means no one will be jockeying for that position of power to get a foot hold for a coup.

Actually, I just realized the flaw in that plan as I imagined it. I forgot that you cant get elected unless you have your HQ there already, and you would be giving up your office on Earth to move it.

I think it would be preferable to have to have a separation between custodian and beneficiary, but maybe then we can't find anybody reliable willing to put their HQ up there.
Moon Charter - Defenses

And if someone has their HQ up there just out of altruism they will want to put their industry up there to get the HQ bonuses, which means they may end up with more votes than all the research bases combined and that takes away from making them answerable to earth bound mayors.

I guess you have to give the city manager a research station to make the job worth having. Maybe even give them an extra share to make it worth not having your other industry in the same city as your HQ.
Moon Charter - Defenses

Or, rather than giving them an extra share of the research just accept that the job will be more attractive to someone whose bussiness is primarily in harvesting raw material because they have their industry spread out all over the place to begin with.
Moon Charter - Defenses

Someone had to throw their hat into the ring. Someone with enough cash to buy The OBSIDIAN monuments for their default price.
Moon Charter - Research Centers

If we have to build our own bases, the loosing incumbent can just shut there's down until they win office again. Their research progress will pick up where it left off. Or they can make a side deal with someone to cede rights to them. Or have an ongoing courtesy to allow them to operate at 20% until they hit there next A1.
Selling Structures

Is there a Game balance reason that we can't sell civilian structures?

Enabling that feature would help with the Moon treaty.

Also, any chance we could have the name of Lewis Change to something more symbolic? It was founded right at the end of the civil war.
Moon Charter - Defenses

My previous suggestion was that each stakeholder should be allowed to station one unit of whatever type and level they choose, except commandos. That should be enough to oust the city manager if they violate the charter.

The city manager hold defensive structures plus one ground unit of each type. I had initially thought that there should be no industry other that research allowed on the Lewis to prevent anyone from getting undue influence on the election of the city manager. But that deprives the city manager of use of his HQ bonus. It also means Lewis would have ever increasing infrastructure demand, so I propose that the city manage gets a monopoly on infrastructure on the moon while they hold office. That should make the job profitable enough to be desirable. It will also provide an incumbent advantage, but not one that's insumaountable if we put the same level caps on infrastructure structures.

There should perhaps be a convention against carriers of fleets entering moon space without clearance from the Lewis City Manager. No reason anyone else should need more than one ship there at a time unless a city manager needs to be forcably removed.
Moon Charter - Research Centers

I propose that the City Manager of Lewis should have the power to adjust the level cap. The person in that position will presumably be there it's the support of all world leaders, and I think we should include a mechanism for future leaders to make adjustments without nullifying the charter. If that puts too much power in the hands of the city manager we could just give them the power to call a vote on the issue or give the emperor veto power over changes.
Selling Structures

The same could be said about moving your cash or military units to a second account.
Moon Charter - Research Centers

I like calling the mayor of Lewis city manager because the term carries greater connotations of a selfless civil servant, and the role will require more active management than other cities.

Valhalla, that is more practical if there is a decision to reduce overcrowding, but what future generations of rulers want to stomach more overcrowding after we have moved to the stars. We also need to make an allowance for corporations Pooling their point for bigger projects. If four cities give up their points so a fifth can work on an A5 or AX, it should be the City Managers job to do, (or at least approve) the math.

"Okay, you have 200 points/turn donated to this project, so you can upgrade to level 7 but have to reduce capacity to 70%" (I did not actually do the match to figure out if that's even close).
Moon Charter - Defenses

I think it is important that stake holders have limited defenses and need to depend on the City Manager, and here's why: I suspect the CityManager will have to burn down research facilities on a fairly routine basis. Not necessarily because a corp is actively defying a charter. Real life issues may pull city rulers away from the game. The more entrenched everyone is by themselves the harder and more expensive it is going to be for the City Manager to dig them out by themselves. I prefer a situation where the city manager doesn't have to rally everyone together to address a routine issue. For the same reason I think there should be a convention against standing orders to defend anything other than your own Corporation on the moon.

On the flip side, an issue where the City Manager has to be forcibly removed should be a fairly momentous decision that requires most of the stakeholders to unite and coordinate an attack. Maybe we should say it is the Emperor's responsibility/prerogative to recognize when a CIty Manager is breaking the charter and coordinate an attack, either opeenly or through private messages with the stakeholders.

The City Manager should be obliged to always have all of his units, except maybe commandos, to always be protecting the area. Attacks from AI threats will be attacking the area anyway so you will get the benefit of the City Manager's defensive structures.
Moon Charter - Defenses

It looks like Jimbobdaz is the one most actively pursueing the City Manager job, so I'd like to hear his take on the above as the corp that is probably going to be administering the charter.
Related to the Moon Charter - Reparations

No objection.

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