Contracting prices & Combat spreadsheets
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Rassol wrote:
I will devide this post in to parts.
1. I was thinking of calculating real contract price for mil units and artifacts. What things one should consider and include into total sell price? In example with infantry: Let's say we use HQ to build infantry unit. It takes 20 turns and cost 50k. Then we upgrade it to lvl 10 which will cost us 5kk, calculate upkeep cost while upgrading which is 800+3200+7200+12800+20000+80000+500000+500000+500000=1624000(if i did the math right XD). That is 6624000$ in total and 2000 turns to upgrade and ofc you want your time to be payed. Let's say we could produce raw material all this time with lvl 1 structure with avarage profit from 1 turn with bonuses of 10*100*2(demand 200%)-750(prod cost)=1250. Multiply by 2000 turns and result another 2500000. So lvl 10 Infantry self cost is 9124000$. Now what about producing infantry with upgraded Military Base? It has shorter production time and will reduce total price by upkeep cost. I wish i had easy accesable data of this things. Same thing is for Artifacts.
Would like to read any suggestions and ideas over this question.
2. I started to make spreadsheet to calculate combat damage and HP loss in mass combat, but my knowledge of excel or even coding is pretty short. Did anyone tried to build some sort of this? Let's cooperate and maybe create separate topic.
This is what the table looks like that does upgrades from the database. Cat 1 = Ground units, Cat 2 = Ships. You look at the Current "LVL" and you can see what the units current Value is (CostX), what it will take to Upgrade it to the next level (UpCostX), How many turns it will take to upgrade it (TurnsX) and also what its CURRENT size is at that level. These are all multipliers that go against the actual stats for each unit type on the guide>>combat page.
The forum is not displaying this well at all so I am attaching a file in notepad also
CAT lVL COSTx UpCostX TurnsX SizeX 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 2 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1 3 5.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 1 4 8.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 1 5 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 1 6 15.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 1 7 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 1 8 50.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 1 9 75.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 1 10 100.00 --- --- 100.00 2 1 1.00 0.10 0.10 1.00 2 2 1.10 0.10 0.10 1.00 2 3 1.20 0.10 0.10 1.00 2 4 1.30 0.10 0.10 1.00 2 5 1.40 0.10 0.10 1.00 2 6 1.50 0.10 0.10 1.00 2 7 1.60 0.10 0.10 1.00 2 8 1.70 0.10 0.10 1.00 2 9 1.80 0.10 0.10 1.00 2 10 2.00 ---- ---- 1.00
ALSO, I intend to change this progression from
or something very close to that,
Even numbers are easier to deal with |
Contracting prices & Combat spreadsheets
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Rassol wrote:
I've posted this in one of our guild comms: [font=]Ive made excel file, it calculates damage to defending units. Im still working on it though it does not calculate properly ships upgrades and has no cyber artifact created units (i will add them later, lack of info) and artifact upgrades. Anyway you can already use it. Check it out and give me some feedback. [font=]https://ufile.io/59718
Just to be clear, because of the way combat works even WE are having trouble providing how much damage was inflicted by individual units to each other unit in a big combat. Every unit is essentially spreading its damage across all the defenders. By how much is determined by the defenders size stats (the larger units draw more fire) which gives you a percentage applied to those units, or more accurately, how much percentage of the attacking units damage is applied to each unit of size. But then the damage actually applied to that percentage is different depending on the type of units using the matrix from the guide.
During combat this is all Summed up / aggregated at once. If we want to display how much damage each unit inflicted on each other unit, we would have to save the data in the middle somewhere, like a combat damage log, then we would have all the information on every unit to display.
Might still do that in the future, or maybe show an expected damage before combat |
Contracting prices & Combat spreadsheets
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Rassol wrote:
"[font=] Every unit is essentially spreading its damage across all the defenders. By how much is determined by the defenders size stats (the larger units draw more fire) which gives you a percentage applied to those units, or more accurately, how much percentage of the attacking units damage is applied to each unit of size. But then the damage actually applied to that percentage is different depending on the type of units using the matrix from the guide." That's what i did in that table, but expanding it takes much effort and involves alot of hand work to manaly add formulas for each new attacking unit. I can't add ship upgrades, since they have different way of stats increase. So we might use lvl 1 for unupgraded ships and lvl 2 for upgraded (attacker will have lvl 10 full att ship in this way, and defender lvl 10 full HP ship). I also will add artefact units, but i need some basic data. I don't know how it works on assasins and other units, but terminators seems to get 5xinfantry attack and 3x infantry HP, am i right?
The level upgrades on ships are all the same. Whatever stat you are increasing goes up 20% per level. So at level 10 Hit Points, if you went all hit points, you would be at 3x the normal hit points or +200%. Artifact bonuses add to the BASE stat before the level bonuses are applied.
So if you have a ship with 1000 hp and you level it up to level 2 in Hit Points it would be at 1400 (+20%) but if you throw Quantum Shield artifact on it for +50% base it would start at 1500 HP, then add level 2 hit points on top of that (+20%) which makes it +300 = 1800 total
Artifact Bonuses first >> Level bonuses after that |
Mouseover labels
Doctor DreadAdministrator
eccheccazzo wrote:
Mouseovering on icons there shoulbe be a little label saying what's that about. Very good for newplayers but also as a reminder for advanced players. Right now I'm reading some values that I have no idea what they are about.
Simple text ones are easy to add. What kind of graphics were you hoping to see information about?
Also, I was planning to have little help question marks here and there that would link to the guide and explain the page or section you at clicking from. I never wanted to get into that until everything was in place first |
Upgrading a structure
Doctor DreadAdministrator
eccheccazzo wrote:
When upgrading a structure it would be good if it says in advance what are the benefits and cons, e.g. production bonus, cost per turn, etc. This information should be under your nose, not on a separate guide.
Not a bad idea, do you want to see the actual "Next Level Stats" or are you talking about "This will increase production at slightly less cost" kind of message?
We can probably take that text section for upgrades on the manage tab right now and make one side show the increases stats and cost, and the other side have a text blurb and upgrade button |
How long is a turn IRL?
Doctor DreadAdministrator
eccheccazzo wrote:
What is (or what is more likely to be?) the real life equivalent of one turn? One day? One month? I somehow need this information for immersion. 
That is dangerous =) Realism is going to break your immersion!
...But since we're having fun here, I would say 1 turn is equivalent to at least one real life day.
I am basing that off of fighters being able to cross the planet in 2-3 "days" realistically, obviously not flying max speed the entire time. An army , using trucks can probably cross the united states in 4-5 days. And there are 4-5 squares in the united states. A ship in game traveling 10 (Freighter) can get to another planet 5-6 spaces away in a couple of weeks. A ship flying 10 can go about 200 days to get to another Star System 3-4 spaces away.
The distances on the map between planets is obviously not to scale with the planets themselves. The Moon in reality is 30x the width of the planet earth away from earth. Earth is 7k miles diameter(?) Moon is like 250k miles away. I can explain that by saying the empty spaces between planets and stars is traveled across at much higher speeds than when traveling over a planet which technically is "in orbit" and can be attacked by ground forces.
1 day = 1 turn and 1000 game turns happens in a week (7 days) . make the time compression in the game be about 1 to 150 ish? 144 turns at most should happen in a single day. that sounds about right. |
Graphic "glitch"
Doctor DreadAdministrator
eccheccazzo wrote:
Minor thing, but still:

Yes, the pages do not all have the same minimum height. There is a formatting inconsistency somewhere after doing a run through all the pages a while back. Something Ill hunt down in the future =) |
Upgrading a structure
Doctor DreadAdministrator
eccheccazzo wrote:
Sorry I didn't really understand what you want to do, but whatever the solution, yes, I just meant simple data / stats like: bonus production : + X % (or from X% to Y%) edited by eccheccazzo on 11/28/2016 edited by eccheccazzo on 11/28/2016 edited by eccheccazzo on 11/28/2016
Yes we're on the same page I think =) I would display it right where the upgrade button is, rearrange the text a little is all |
Sending a message to yourself
Doctor DreadAdministrator
eccheccazzo wrote:
Sending a message to yourself (e.g. for memos) gives this error: There has been an Error with the website Please try again in a few moments or contact us as at: drdread@baronsofthegalaxy.com
Wow, way to break the game my friend! =)
What are you making notes for? I had the idea of allowing you to put in "notes" on every units in the game if you wanted to so you can remind yourself what the hell a particular unit or structure was trying to do.. Perhaps the comms system is a better place for it. Might make a little checkbox that allows you to essentially notify yourself |
Picking resources in the same city - turns waste
Doctor DreadAdministrator
This was actually due to difficulty in programming a single unit selling/buying multiple things at once, in one turn. There could be 12 other units trying to do the same thing and there is a limitation (volume) to consider when doing so. The code wasn't originally setup to handle it so it's been tricky to get it work cleanly. I think you can drop off everything in a transfer but not the Buy Sell. It's something I'm looking into and it might eventually happen. |
Selling everything once
Doctor DreadAdministrator
I think it is expecting a number if you want to sell once, otherwise its sell INFINITY one time so it sells every turn until it reaches infinity then stops =)
You can say you want to sell 10,000 once, but it might take 15 turns to do so. When you don't give it a number it essentially goes forever. I think I just need to make it more clear or not allow a sell "once" without a number, OR default that number to the Structures B/S capacity edited by DrDread on 11/29/2016 |
Loop order fail
Doctor DreadAdministrator
eccheccazzo wrote:
Sometimes when changing orders, a Loop may refer to an order that doesn't exist anymore. I noticed this late and my transportation vehicle was standing still. So it would be cool to have some kind of warning, not sure where to place it. With no doubt in the orders page the loop order should get a red warning or something when it's incomplete.
I've seen this problem before, I do have to correct it. There is a warning but it doesn't show up in every situation. It is supposed to show up whenever you look at the orders screen when there is no active order but it isn't |
processsing turn message
Doctor DreadAdministrator
eccheccazzo wrote:
Another minor and probably subjective thing. You shouldn't be redirected to a separate page which says the current turn is being processed. You should get the same message on the existing ASP page, so if one reloads, it will actually reload his last action. Also I've found myself reloading that page numerous times just to realize I had to click somewhere else.
Good point. I take you to a separate page entirely because it has no database access at all on that page. But I should save at least your last attempted page view and then try to redirect you there again on refresh provided the game turn is done flipping. I've made the mistake of refreshing that page also, but of course it will never work =) |
Loop order fail
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Atlashan wrote:
loop order disappear when you use pre defined orders via from load list
Ah that's a good one! |
Sending a message to yourself
Doctor DreadAdministrator
eccheccazzo wrote:
I was simply used to the note system in OGame. You have a notebook and you write various "to do" and "remainders" for yourself, like "I need to create a chemical plant", etc.
I like that idea, Maybe we'll make it another tab on the comms system where you can essentially write notes to yourself and/or link those notes to structures or units or maybe the maps bookmarks |
Error message when renaming
Doctor DreadAdministrator
eccheccazzo wrote:
When renaming a transportation unit using non-allowed characters it says: (Minimum 3 letters or numbers required) But that's not really what's wrong.
edited by eccheccazzo on 11/30/2016
Maybe say "Must use letters or numbers only, minimum of 3"? |
Buying products... cost?
Doctor DreadAdministrator
eccheccazzo wrote:
And where's the selling price? There's nothing on that page, that's my point.
You are right. The Buys Sell screen shows the grid on the Right with what's available at the location and the DEMAND % but it DOES NOT show the actual price. Also, if you wanted to BUY something that wasn't currently located there you would have to hit the "coordinates" link which takes you tot he viewscreen and then go to the demand tab and drill down to your product just to get a current price.
I think the best place to display the Demand/Buy price would be on the product dropdownlist itself but that's could look ugly. Either that or when you select "buy" you get a grid on the right showing the buy price of everything |
Comms button clickable area too large
Doctor DreadAdministrator
eccheccazzo wrote:
Comms button clickable area seems to be too large
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Clicking near the comms button still activates it for you? |
Mysterious Artifacts and Quest Events
Doctor DreadAdministrator
We've finally started putting in the Mysterious Artifacts and Quest Events this week. The Mysterious Artifacts usually initiate some sort of exploration or puzzle solving quest for your Corp with the rewards being, for now, special units or higher level artifact then the one you used. There is also a new Order Type "Search Location" that goes along with these new kinds of events. The More Info tab for Military units now actually shows the base stats and a graph of the units combat values also.
Mysterious A1, A5, AX artifacts have been added. Currently only the Mysterious A1 artifacts do anything, While you can now produce the A5 and AX versions from artifact resource sites also, you can only Deploy the A1 version. The bigger versions will have appropriate quests in place soon. When Deploying an A1 Mysterious artifact it will initiate a "Corp Only" Event. It will send you a private message and show up under events with an orange border icon. Only you can see your own events. The event is typically a logic or mathematics puzzle that decodes a grid coordinate. There is actually only one style of event at the moment but the puzzles are randomly generated. If you think you broke the code then you can send a unit to that location and order it to "Search Location" if you are right then you will trigger the event and receive a reward, otherwise the searching units log will tell you that you didn't find anything. Also, you cannot search a location if you unit was in combat that turn. The search order will cancel and move to the next in your orders list. The events we added do not link to the specific unit that deployed them, any other unit can do the searching but future mysterious events might trigger differently depending on the unit that deployed it or even flag the deploying unit as the one that needs to do the quest.
The rewards are mostly special units or a chance to discovering a higher level artifact than the one you used. 4 special ground units and 4 special ships have been added for these events so far. The A1 versions of these mysterious artifact will spawn simple and short puzzle quests with unit rewards slightly more powerful than what the other artifacts can give you instantly. The A5 Mysterious artifacts will have more complicated and multi stage puzzles and offer bigger special units. the AX versions will probably be difficult to even solve, require more than one day of traveling around and fighting things but can provide the most powerful units or initiate crazy system wide events. That is the plan going forward.
The new "Search Location" order does absolutely nothing but trigger a quest event if you are at the right location. Don't' bother "searching" random locations hoping to find something, although maybe we'll put that in a future update =)
The More Info tab for military units now shows that units "Base Attributes" and "Base attack values " against other units. It also shows what kind of unit it "Attacks As". When it comes to special units, their base stats might be different but they Attack As one of the normal units types. When you see a unit with an attack multiplier, it is multiplying those base attack values. For Example, an AI Reaper craft Attacks as A Corvette but has a x25 attack multiplier. So whatever damage you the corvette doing to other units types, you can multiply that by 25 and that's how much it is actually doing. If you threw on a Nova Cannon artifact then the multiplier will go higher. For Ground units the multiplier is usually the number of actually units. Level 5 Ground unit is 25x normal and has a 25x attack multiplier. Artifact boosters affect the units base attack multiplier or stats which then gets multiplied again when you level it up.
We plan to work on the bigger Mysterious events and start adding more events and content in general over the next few weeks. Slowly fixing some of the UI flaws while we're at it. |
Doctor DreadAdministrator
ChaChaCharms wrote:
I am trying to clean up my resources and try to sell 150k basic chemicals, my salvage value is I believe just shy of 20m, but when the game ticks, it does not salvage my resources. I made sure to click confirm salvage and when i refresh for the tick my resources still there.
I'm having the same problem apparently. I'll look into it tonight. |