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The Alpha Test v2 reporting thread

If I remember well what I read in the guide, the OCrowd penalty is a percentage calculated like this :
(Total production of all the players) / 1000
So if 2000 units of ressources are produced, it will cost every player twice the original production cost.
The Alpha Test v2 reporting thread

Yeah, thanks for the money !

In exchange, a few bugs to report :
- Upgrade / salvage units : salvaging unit should remove the units for half of its value. But, for example :
Infantry initial cost is 20K $, upgrade the size by one is only 10K $, thus the total cost of a lvl 10 infantry is 1001K $. But salvaging also give 1000K $, shouldn't it be 500K ? (or maybe upgrading the size by one should also be 20K).
- The symbols of "Carrier" and "Cruiser" is in the reverse order in Viewscreen / Military than in the chart of the Guide.
- The units that are part of a group don't show anymore in the Viewscreen / Military list
Distribution center

Having to sell the different ressources by using the production building quickly become laborious.
And having to configure all transport and freighter to sell ressources is also sometimes quite tedious.

Thus I think that we should have another type of building, with several buy/sell slots. It would probably count as a production building, that we can upgrade to have acces to more buy/sell slots, or to sell more ressources of one type each turn.
The Alpha Test v2 reporting thread

I think that I have found something strange :
Some varitek and bomber are located in space near Pluto (Charon), it seems that carrier can drop them off anywhere. (there is actually no carrier at this location) (not my units so I'm not sure about the bug)
Edit : I confirmed the bug with my own units, you can unload units in space.
edited by Baston on 5/8/2016

There is probably not enough player for now, everyone can access every ressources easily without having to fight for it.
Also the demand can not go above something like 150, so we can buy everything low cost, no need for contracts. This limit should probably be raised.
Intercepting Moving Troops

That's because I anticipated your movement 2 turns ahead.
The few interception I managed to do where like this, I had to be on the battle location one turn before you, then I launched the attack. Otherwise it clearly won't work.

Message by me, it took me too much time to write it, so I got disconnected x)
I made a little mistake : "And each time the "sell volume" amount is reached, the demand will go up. And when the demand go up, the "sell volume" become even smaller, etc."
"sell volume", not "buy volume".

"And each time the "sell volume" amount is reached, the demand will go up. And when the demand go up, the "sell volume" become even smaller, etc."
After giving it some thoughts, the demand should still go up according to the "buy volume", otherwise one could make the demand rise by buying only a few products, then sell a lot of this product with a now much higher demand.
But anyway, I still think that we shouldn't be able to buy as much as we can sell.

edited by Baston on 5/10/2016
Intercepting Moving Troops

Since we are speaking about our fight Masdus, could you stop unloading ground units in space with you carriers to hide and protect them, fighting against a bug is really annoying. Let's play fair and square. Thanks.

Concerning your problem, maybe I see what it is : when you use "attack entire location" even with a set number of turns of attack, if your units find no ennemies, they go to the next order immediatly. I failed many interceptions because of this, probably a bug.
The solution is to make a loop order on the attack order, this way it won't stop anymore.

(haha, I must be stupid, helping my opponent like that xD But well, our little skirmish is really enjoyable, with this few players the game still lacks of action.)
edited by Baston on 5/10/2016
The Alpha Test v2 reporting thread

Okay, it seems we have some problems with the population system.
- The cities of the sol system that were here since the beginning are not affected by the population growth. They don't regenerate after battles.
- Concerning the battles, for example the battle 665 on Pulto_6 caused a Pop.Lost of 49 000, but the city has lost 432 000 inhabitants in one turn. Plus the fact that they don't regenerate, it's kinda problematic. The three cities that appeared on Pluto after the implementation of the "galaxy expansion" have been completly wiped out.
Edit : from further observations, cities do regenerate after battle, but cities where no battles ever occured don't grow.
And according to another player, newly founded cities disappear if you remove the industries on them, I will try to test it myself later.

Other bug :
Military bases don't help groups to recover faster, it's only at a rate of 1% instead of something like 5% with the ungrouped units.
edited by Baston on 5/10/2016
The Alpha Test v2 reporting thread

The city on Odegard system is slowly losing population. And even when I reached a prod of 500, no city appeared. (My industries are on the upper icy planet)
The Alpha Test v2 reporting thread

Okay, so the sol system is fixed, that explains a lot ^^
However even if you say that combat damage shouldn't affect the cities in Sol system, it does. Well, they recover so it's fine.

I think that the base level as the repairing rate is indeed accurate, from what I observed. But the problem is, it doesn't work on groups of units which recover at a rate of only 1% even in presence of a military base. You need to remove them from the group to have an higher recovery rate.

By the way, what about the problem with the population growth and the spawn of new cities in the Odegard system ?
edited by Baston on 5/11/2016
The Alpha Test v2 reporting thread

Isn't 200 a bit too low ? Well I guess if we change to 0.1 a turn instead of 0.5 it will be a bit less problematic. Because with 0.5,we need to sell more than 80 different products each turn to make the average demand drop (half of the total number of products). Not really feasible. With 0.1, we need to sell about 16 products a turn, that's easier to manage.
Another simple solution could be something like that : the bigger the city, the lower the limit. This way small city can grow faster and easily, and big ones become more challenging.

Concerning the minimum population, I made a stupid test :
I spammed attacks on Pluto_2 and managed to make the population fall to 1 xD
Now the demand volume is 0, I can't sell anymore, and because the growth rate is something like 1%, 1% of 1 is rounded to 0, so there is no longer a growth of the city xD

Concerning the spawn of cities, I think there should be a limit on the number of cities per planets, according to the number of ressource slots. Otherwise there will be something like 50 cities on one planet, visualy it won't be pratical at all, and even worse logistically. (unless we can sell to the whole planet in one turn, which is probably not a good idea, killing the game interest)
The Alpha Test v2 reporting thread

I found a serious bug with the "Guard" order. When I ask :
- Guard entire location, it forces the guard order to 10 turns.
- Guard single corp, it forces the guard order to 1 turns.
- Guard guild, it forces the guard order to 5 turns.

Btw, I have now two industries that reached 500 or more prod on Odegard XI, but no cities appeared.
Edit : cities finally appeared. Don't know why they did not before.
edited by Baston on 5/11/2016
Planet city population

Just a precision : new cities are generated each 100 turns, so if they don't appear immediatly after reaching 500 in prod, it's normal wink
The Alpha Test v2 reporting thread

Concerning raids, I think there is a problem in the amount of ressources we can raid each turn.
If I attack with for example 1 or 2000 mechanizeds (in size), I raid 20 in both case.
For what I know, the amount we raid is : power / size
Shouldn't it be : (power * number of units) / size. Or simply : power ?
The Alpha Test v2 reporting thread

I found a bug so big that I'm amazed that no one noticed before me :
Buildings that use ressources to produce other ressources use only 10 units regardless the level. Which means you can produce 6000 units with 10, no wonder why no one trades...
Distribution center

I have another suggestion, close to the "Mass BS", to make the buy/sell system much easier :
When we select a location, I think that we should have access to a buy/sell page with a "BS Power" that is the sum of the "BS Power" of the buildings at this location.
There we can make several BS orders that will be executed each turn, or for X turn.
And in the case where the player has no building at this location, he can for example put some ground units or ships to generate some "BS Power". Another way, as suggested above, would be the "distribution center", which counts as a fixed unit, and generates much more "BS Power".
Another interesting feature with this system could be the following : the player can share his "BS Power" to his guild and other players, to allow friends to buy/sell more easily to the city. He can even charge the others with a transaction fee.
This way, when a player want to sell to another city he can either use ground units to sell to the location with some orders OR simply drop off all ressources then go to the "buy/sell page" of the location, select a "BS Power" from another player and use it to sell his products.
The Alpha Test v3 reporting thread

I confirm the bug : I have a chemical plant on Uranus 3 and I can't sell the ressources using it. I'm alone on this town.
I will try to sell products with the chemical plant located at my HQ, to see if the problem is remote structure, or the production building itself. I will edit as soon as I know.

Edit : the problem is indeed remote structure, the chemical plant located at my HQ can sell without problems.
edited by Baston on 6/8/2016
The Alpha Test v3 reporting thread

Huu ? The chemical plant finally started to sell ressources, after 25 turns of doing nothing.
Structure Logistics

Personally I think that this change is a good thing, at least its idea.
For example people that focus on Civilian Services, they have no need of a lvl 10 building because they can only sell it to one place. Thus it may be advantageous for them
However, there is indeed two problems :
- The limit is way too low. I suppose that the HQ lvl increase the building limit by 5 or 10, in this case a lvl 10 HQ means only 5 to 10 lvl 10 buildings, that's ridiculously low. It should be increased by at least 3 folds, or even 5 as it was originally.
- The second problem is for example : two lvl 5 building or one lvl 10 cost both 10 points in logistic. However two lvl 5 produce 2*22*X = 44*X, and a lvl 10 is 120*X. So the logistic shouldn't really be calculated on the buidling lvl, but on the output.

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