City Leader?
Doctor DreadAdministrator
ChaChaCharms wrote:
Personally I feel that not only industrial power but military power should play a role in elections.. It is reckless for people to elect an official who cannot defend the constituents of his or her territory. Moons affecting elections would be awesome, also the ability for a moon to deploy weapons that can bombard planet-based defenses?
You mean like turn the moon into a system killer death star from that last star wars movie? It sucks out the power of the sun and then destroys a nearby system-- omg this sounds as stupid as the movie did =) |
Production does not start after structure built
Doctor DreadAdministrator
My cookies clear out in my browser also. Even though I check the box everywhere it seems that it gets cleared like every few days. Might be because we're switching browsers form mobile to IE to chrome |
Military contract
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Hutton wrote:
You couldn't have a USE CONTRACT pull down menu in the DEFEND order for like in the TRANSFER CARGO order?
Yeah that's how it would work if you wanted to contract your escort service |
Military contract
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Hutton wrote:
So, you're saying that progamiing in a function to escort, where units follow their target around, wouldn't be anymore complicated than adding contracts to DEFEND. I would have guessed that was a whole other ball of wax. Is there already an order to pursue units you want to attack? There is no good way to "follow" units. In a game where everyone moves at same time, not in turn, makes following, especialy following ships that are following other ships that are following YOU, impractical.and complicated. There is a similar problem when "escorting" a unit ... that is escorting antoher unit. Someone needs to move first or is the authority.
It might just come down to not being able to escort a unit if they are escorting another. "Escorting" is a friendly cooperative thing, unlike chasing down to attack someone so Escorting can be a lot more strict which makes it practical to implement. So when you are escorting another unit, your unit is simply shadowing the other units orders. It moves to the same location its moving, it attacks whatever it is attacking. It kind of clones whatever order ithe main ship currently has. The escort order can have a few flags to prevent it from buying, selling, transfer, load/unload or even attacking if youdon't want the escort to clone those orders.
That handles the escorting, then in combat, any unit being attacked gets checked to see if any other units are currently escorting them and adds them to the defending side.
You can make "Armadas" like that. For example Safehold corp can have a flagship group that is going out to attack the Qazar Dragon and the other corps can have thier big groups "escort" his. Now Safehold Corp is essentialy moving everyones fleet as a single unit while they watch. When he attacks everyone else fleet willget the same order and attack the same way. It's a tricky order to implement but it should work fine. "Chasing" an enemy ship though opens up the problem of not being able to chase a unit that is chasing another. I can simply order to "chase" another unit of mine and suddenly your chase on me would break, unless I handled chasing units that are chasing other units BLAH it hurts thinking about it =)
Escorting will show up eventually. And then contracts to escort will be possible. But chasing to attack probably won't. |
Military contract
Doctor DreadAdministrator
There is already a "Guard" order to defend an area, guild or corporation at a location. The terran fed units are all set to Guard everyone at the cities and thats why they show up to an attack.
If you wan to Guard on contract, I need to add it ot the contract system and then have the cotnract dropdown be in the Guard order. Guarding on contract seems tricky. I mean how much are you guarding with? A scout? a Monolith? Maybe it has to be a certain amount of Power set to guard your location and a number of turns? Same goes with escort. If you want the contract to enforce a certain kind of escort makeup, like Mostly fighters or tanks only. Its going to get complicated. A set amount of Power guarding you is an easy mechanic to pick up on though. |
Distribution Centers
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Zangorian wrote:
lvl do something, which only comes into play when the market gets more cramped: levels increase you selling/buying "power", your slice of sold/bought goods will be bigger when competing with others on a sale..
Yes at level 1 all your slots can sell or buy 100 at a time., level up and it increases that power. There isn't muchmroe than 100 volume for anything right now so leveling them up is worthless at the moment |
Beta Restart Bug Fixes
Doctor DreadAdministrator
This is a list of fixes we made this week after the Final beta Test restarted 4/1/2017
- Galaxy expansion fixes for cities that you wouldn't have noticed yet
- Assets Tab >> Product mode showing zeroes for buys and sells. Was reading wrong game turn
- Tutorial bug that allows you to queue up several 1 turn construction time units and items corrected.
- In the top 10 list under view->demand, the total price of all products added together is being displayed instead of an average price.
- Comms tab reworked a little and added Forums link
- You can now link to the locations displayed on the Resource tab
- Viewscreen >> Overview Battles and Events check boxes work better. When checked they will display battles and events on the viewscreen on any other tab selected.
- Research tech bug wouldn't update your structures with a bonus after adding a research point. Only if that point was into a new product type on your list.
- Asteroid mining now uses (ResourceValue x (ShipPower / 100)) to calculate how much resource gathered. A 100 power ship will mine the value, A 200 power will mine twice the value. There is no longer a "split" between ships present, instead it uses Overcrowding. There is overcrowding penalty that kicks in at 1000 power total similar to normal resources. At 2000 total power mining an asteroid location, everyone there will be getting half of what they would normally.
- Contracts with expired completion dates should be going to Completed status now.
- Attack Turns should now work as expected and not cancel order if there is nothing to attack. You can attack an empty space for 1000 turns as a way to keep everyone out.
- Attack damage threshold on attack order should actually work now. If the attacking unit has below the designated hit points, it will cancel its order and move to the next one. That should work for fleets and groups also by the total hit point percentage for the GROUP. You can still lose individual units.
- MAK Mothership is no longer a "loadable unit". Not that anyone has one of those =)
- The Hostile Pirate, Hostile Raiders, and MAK mothership events should all now have a max random level based on the planets population. It is currently set at 1 level max per 5 million planet population. a 25 million pop planet has the possibility of a level 10 event. A 3 million population planet shouldn't see any of those events past level 1.
- Clicking on a product stack in a planet that has no cities or demand was crashing the page because of the salvage calculation. Salvaging a stack on an empty world gives zero credits now.
There have been two popular new features talked about this week. Orbital structures around planets (Starbases, Warp Gates, Doom Cannons) and Escorting other ships. We're not going to be adding any new game features until after launch but those are probably the two that will go in first.
The features we are trying to work on this month are the payment system through PayPal (start with PayPal first and add others later) l, Account management screen (Change your email, cancel your account etc) and Comms messages forwarded to email (which can easily go to your phone). These are almost necessary to launch.
The only other things we plan to work on right now are actual bugs, all your suggestions on changes are welcome and I will try to make a poll post with the popular ones.
If that can all go in by next week, then we're seriously looking at a May, 2017 launch. edited by DrDread on 4/8/2017 |
Clicking on piles of resources give error page.
Doctor DreadAdministrator
You don't pay storage when the product is in cargo. only when its out somewhere. You dont pay when its in transit on your freighter for example. |
The Secret to My Success
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Probably from Eaton in the Centauri system =) |
Social classes?
Doctor DreadAdministrator
When the demand for a product is low, under 200% it causes population growth. At 100% its 5% growth. At 1% its 10% I think. Over 200% causes increasing decline. That is averaged across all the product types in a city. However there is not a single population, there are 9 classes. Some product split up the growth equally like water, but most products affect the growth or decline of the different populations differently. Hi end Products affect the Higher population classes, Supercars and Personal Aircraft. for example. Wether that product is at 1000 or 50 it doesn't affect the low populations at all. |
List resource stacks in viewscreen
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Hutton wrote:
The RESOURCES tab actually seems intended to give you information specifically about what raw material harvesting can be harvested where. The INDUSTRY tab shows you what products are warehoused at a location. However, it only provides that information about other Corps. This hasn't bother me because you can go to ASSETS->PRODUCTS and click on the LOCATION header on the second list. This clumps all your products together by location.
Not seeing your own products on this tab is a bug I'm fixing =) |
Cargo In Group
Doctor DreadAdministrator
LoImpact wrote:
I formed a group and accidentally added a transport to it that had cargo on it. I removed the transport, but the cargo remains attached to the group even though none of the units are showing they have any cargo.
That one group I see you have, The mechanized and other units have cargo space also. When you removed your transport it probably asked you how much cargo did you want to transport to take with it and you might have hit nothing so it stayed with the group. That group of yours has a 2000 cargo capacity |
Production and Research delay
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Hutton wrote:
When deleting a Reasearch point there is a message that says I can only do that once every 100 turns. But, after I do that, it says 2 turns until I can delete another point.
I also just noticed that when changing production it says it will take 10 turns to make the change, but the new production order starts the very next turn.
Are the delay warnings left over from a version where they were true, or is it a bug that we are not getting delayed as much as we should?
I think.... it's been a holdover from testing, it's just something I need to go in and touch to make it match the display =) |
Terran forces spawn
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Hutton wrote:
I just noticed that Terran forces are guarding the area north of Radium instead of Radium itself.
Terran Forces will no longer spawn on any planet outside of Earth but the ones that are still there are still there. They hang out at 12:12 and will randomly respond to battles for now |
Social classes?
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Hutton wrote:
I got that separate products effect the growth of each social class differently, but what is the significance of those social classes? What makes a city with a high proportion of upper class citizens different from a city with a high proportion of lower class citizens?
The volume of the products are also influenced by these variations. Thats why all the products have differentiating volumes attached to them. If you want to sell Supercars, you'll find a larger volume on a city with a lot of high class population.
There will some events that are influenced by them also. |
Wrong resource indication at coordinate
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Probably a bug in the filter itself, treating basic metal and exotic as the same thing. Thanks for finding this =) |
Corp HQ cost per turn cut in half
Doctor DreadAdministrator
So a poor corporation by the name of NASA made a simple mistake starting out and his whole game went south into negative territory. What I realized is that after the changes where we brought the resources values so low on earth, its very difficult for a new corp to start off. Not so much difficult as it is "Fragile". If the price of your chosen product goes below 80% you start to lose money. and that can happen within a day, especially if someone else sells your product at your city. Granted if the cities had higher populations that couldn't happen so fast
We decided the best way to deal with it was to reduce the per turn cost of the Crop HQ, we cut in half actually. It now takes 500 per turn to run not 1000 like the other structures do. That means a new player with their Corp HQ can probably be profitable down to about 40% demand now,however high level Corp HQs like level 10 for example would only be saving a couple thousand a turn. Sounds perfect. We might also increase the rewards from the tutorial enough to make sure a player can stay profitable even if all of earth is at low demand. |
Consecutive unit upgrade orders
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Vulpex wrote:
Heyo there...
Well would be nice to be able to have consecutive upgrade orders for units - I can repeat just about any order I want - production, attack, movement whatever but I need to get in, login give a unit upgrade order and either wait around or wait till I login again for the unit to be able to upgrade again.
For units with an upgrade time of a day or more it doesn't matter that much but for units with relatively short upgrade times it's annoying to have to wait days and days for an upgrade... would be fair to all and useful to all if we could just tell a unit to upgrade three times and that was that.
But maybe this is just a problem for me as I can login normally only once a day (rarely a couple of times)
I might be able to add something to the upgrade UI where you can essentialy say "upgrade until level X". the tricky part is the ship upgrade that require a type of upgrade. Eventhat can be makde to be single select and using the existing dropdown. So really all I have to add is the "upgrade till level X" dropdown |
Minimum stockpile
Doctor DreadAdministrator
Zip555 wrote:
Perhaps there could be a warehouse which has upkeep like other structures. Items inside have no storage fees and can be used by factories.
Complicated thinking about it. Even if I make a transport have a limit to leave behind as part of the transfer order, You might have 10 transports with the same order at the same time show up. I have to somehow split the limits across them, Tricky.
I can set the pile of product itself to have a limit but that would go away as soon as the pile got used up. Doesn't work.
I have this idea that the structure itself has a cargo space for its goods that fills up first to a certain amount. It uses that "cargo" when it can. But thats a whole lot of code and UI I don't want to think about.
I still think the transfer order option will work but it would be something like. If the product stack is below a certain amount when the transport gets there, a certain amount after it plans to take some, it will cancel its transfer order altogether. It won't take an. That's an easy code to implement. But it wouldn't work well with multiple transports on the same. I think that's ok though if it errors on the side of leaving more product there as opposed to in that situation. |
Well, that was fun....
Doctor DreadAdministrator
There is a problem with big monster events showing up and hitting new players inadvertently. Especially outside of cities. Not sure how to mitigate the problem. Its not easy to steer them away from new players. |