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Bug On World Map Coord Selection


when using a small display screen size, say 15" resolution 1366 x 768, where the viewscreen maps do not appear in their entirety, say last 3-4 grid parts are not displayed and need a scroll down to be revealed, when scrolled down to see the lower parts the curser/pointer is misplaced/slipped a few grids vertically for each scroll/grid move in relation to the colored position square - when scrolling up again the pointer and square are overlapped again when reaching the top of the displayed page -- it works fine on my second screen which is a 20" screen resolution 1920 x 1080 and displays the entire viewscreen page plus some space below.

Hope it can be resolved soon.
Order lists and units sizes/ca not explicit enough

please elaborate the size of units in relation to cargo space: I tried to load an Ace Fighter unit onto a Scout ship .. the order was accepted yet not executed, which could makes sense in a way that cargo would be too small, so what ship(s) may load the Ace Fighter to be transported between planets ? (I presumed Ace Fighters may not fly through space ..)
This said, perhaps the Scout Ship may not accept the transport of any troupes/units, or above a certain size (yet of which size, like I try to mention above I cannot find a table or page in the guide elaborating which ships or units may transport or load/unload in relation to size, available cargo and application ?)
For example I noticed in the table seen on the guide page about combat that the commando unit has no cargo space yet the orders list contains the option to transfer cargo or load/unload units and be entered, which should not appear to avoid misplacing orders or confusion ..
Are my questions clear enough or shall I elaborate more ?

Tweaking how Paid Accounts and Sol will work

Squeezing all new free accounts onto Earth when starting calls for overcrowding and over-exploitation. Understandably it is a safe-zone and thus is a good area to learn the game, but then only for this purpose, hence why I may suggest to limit the upgrade levels to say only 3 instead of 10. Now, to go go over level 3 either would require a paid account or to move to another location within Sol (given that all assets up to Level 3, and only on Earth, are paid back in full when removing/salvaging structures, and that the first relocation from Earth for new paid accounts get reduced construction turn fees at new locations up to level 3 as well -- further relocating will succumb to the usual present set of rules). To relocate outside Sol would require a paid account as well. Meanwhile, viewscreens for any account would allow players to scrutinize supply and demand in any location/planet/system, this to raise interest of a free account player in the game and its many expanding options to perhaps switch to a paid account. The same presently suggested game dynamic for free and paid accounts would count for involvement with events and voting participation (only paid accounts may actively influence the game, free accounts have static effects).

In later versions of the games one might even consider giving the choice for free accounts to choose their starting location, under the same conditions, given that there will be several planets/systems like Sol where a planet and a Federation offer a safe-zone.

Regarding inactive accounts, as I understand their storage fees would accumulate and rise way over their income and expense capability, so what has been put in place for these scenarios ? Would their operation financially cease or be stopped ? Would their storage and production be capped after a period of inactivity?
edited by Surgicus on 2/23/2017
Star bases, Warp gates, Orbital rings

Hi, in a message of the game I read Serendipity's mentioning about Star bases (or stations I suppose), Warp Gates, Orbital rings, and Doom cannon (not sure what this shall be).
Since it was on my list of suggestions yet never posted anything about this, here is how I would see it.

Projects like these should be horrendously expensive, like 5-10 Trillion credits, and would be team or guild efforts. The construction would also happen in steps or layers (a bit like levels), so perhaps the more participants to finance it, the quicker progress for finishing it. Eventually sending adequate resources could help finishing the project just as much as financing it.

When ready, any player may use the compound, yet for a fee per use (or turn) - with reduced fee corresponding to their participation for players involved in the financing of the structure they use - this way maintenance and upkeep can also be integrated for the massive structure, if neglected and with lesser use or income it would degrade or be leveled down, if it comes to it perhaps it could even be liquidated and redistribution of its worth (at a much lower than new rated value) to involved companies in its built could be effected.

About the utility and application of Stations, Rings and Gates, that remains to be discussed I guess.
Yet I am sure Serendipity/Doctor Dread and the developers already thought about all this ..

Production does not start after structure built

Hi, having a pasture resource in my city, launched construction of a ranch, came back way many turns after it was done, no production running although had indicated the product in the construction orders.
Water resource in my city, launched construction of water purification structure, came back way many turns after it was done, production was halted !?
Rare wood one click away from my city, deployed a lumber yard with rare wood indicated for production, organised transport of the goods etc .. came back for a look as didn't see any stockpiling, no production was running .. until I ordered a change production to actually start it although it was set to rare woods production.

What changed after the reset causing productions not to start automatically after a related structure is being built ? Now for a production to start a visit to the production page is necessary and perhaps needs to be started manually ?

I will try another structure as soon I have the credits and will confirm this ..

Also, were the number of turns reduced regarding an automatic logout/logoff if one is not busy in the game ? I had the impression it used to be like 3-4 turns yet now it seems to be 2-3 turns before automatic logout ..

Wrong resource indication at coordinate


Viewscreen: planet Earth 15:13
set resources filter to exotic Metal - icon appears on coordinates on the map, click for location report, no exotic metal listed yet basic metal is indicated
set resource filter to basic metal - icon appears on coordinates on the map, and is listed in location report
set resource to both exotic and basic metal - both icons appear on coordinates on the map, click on coordinate square/window for location report and only basic metal is listed ..

I believe I read the resources for this version were put in manually, it seems you forgot the one or the other ..

Removing Bombers from a group of units


I am not sure if I had posted this already, so perhaps here it is again:
this concerns a situation in the previous Beta, I had several times created a group of several (4-10) bomber units. When removing the units from the group one by one, the first one always brought back the assets page although the removing worked. Removing the second up to the last bomber unit was flawless - the unit was removed then the general unit tab/page appeared without the removed unit shown in the group.

This said, removing a unit from a group is only possibly individually (one by one) so what would be helpful, because presently several units can be joined to a group at once through a single order, an order to perhaps disband an entire group or to remove several units through a single order would be very welcome - later in the game if using loads of military orders and dispatching, assigning grouping orders should be feasible in batches.

I hope this bug report and suggestion helps.
Home Page - last sentence

Barons of the Galaxy is currently in development which a launch date excpected sometime in the second half of 2016. Our next Kickstarter campaign planned for August 8th, 2016!
Turn counter not updated on viewscreen page


on the viewscreen page, the turn counter for example indicates X, now for a new turn X+1 (updating the page by modifying product demand inquiry after the turn end for example) the counter still indicates turn X, it seems the page contents (demands etc ..) are updated yet not the counter, which is very confusing .. Clicking the viewscreen tab will set the counter correctly yet with the drawback that for example the entire demand inquiry one was analyzing is reset as well and needs to be traced again.
Guard order not displayed on assets page


I have a couple of armored tanks with set orders to "Guard Location", yet the asset page's Note indicates them to be "Move: SE" although they are on site guarding the location for the past 100-200 turns already ...
Cost of armored tank upgrade bug

I have 3 armored tanks, one Level 4, one Level 3, one Level 2, all built under a Military Base when this was at Level 4.
Now upgrading the tanks at any level will each cost 1,5 Million while taking 75 turns -- to my experience in the game this is not correct .. or is it now ? I don't think it is.
Distribution Center overcrowd penalty ?

on my assets page, the tab "notes" indicate overcrowded resource production (Farm), overcrowded for the HQ (which is in a crops farming production mode), ok, and what ? the Distribution Center as well ? How come ? Bug (developer or coding typo ?) ? Overcharges costs per turn ? The DBC is not a resource producing structure, is it ..
Distribution Center overcrowd penalty ?

Thanks for the quick feedback Vulpex, but I think you got it wrong: a distribution center is not extracting a resource thus is not overcrowding anything in this regard, neithe is the one in quaestion selling or buying the regarded resource - you just made this point yourself, so distribution centers shall not fall under the overcrowd situation at all.
I am handling the game for 6 months now and understand the concept of an overcrowd resource position.
Recycling centers suggestion

Hi all,
a few times now I encountered the situation where components or end products had piled up that were not worth selling nor salvaging because it would be at to big a loss. At the same time I was short of raw material(s), missing resources that had been used to produce the unprofitable goods I was sitting on. Which brings me to the following suggestion: recycling centers to dismantle and reclaim raw materials from finished goods. The centers could reprocess the merchandise and gain back 50-75 percent of the initially used materials. Perhaps these could only be located in or outside a city or even only next to the HQ, I let the community and the developer decide for this matter.

Accelerated military units build via raw materials


this suggestion is in regard to a possible military units acceleration by using and evaluating the corporation's raw materials stockpile.
Of course a list of the required raw materials for each different unit needs to be defined and set, for the sums and totals as well as for each passing turn. There are several possible algorithm or equations possible using averages or minimum quantities required, to figure and compute the needed or remaining turns to finish the unit with the available material in store. It could be intricate to integrate yet surely possible .. I leave this now to the community to comment and the developer to decide about the possible implications and introduction of this suggestion.

Daily quests

Yep, all good ideas here
Suggestion: bankruptcy auction

It is sad to see a cooperation being liquidated because a player has been absent too long or simply abandoned the game.
Watching all those assets going to waste and impacting the local economies can be upsetting.

This is why I dare make following suggestion: before a cooperation is liquidated because it would not support itself financially anymore, there should be at least some kind of auction, with perhaps a reserve salvage value price (maybe somewhat below).
This will give the surrounding economies, read companies, a chance to deal with the opportunity to keep concerned city populations to fall, even if momentary, and for others to have access to some nice military units, and some cheaper resources. Implementing the structures auctioning is of course the idea here to keep local economies alive, an option that is not possible yet even with the contracts.
Suggestion: acquiring units and assets from foes

Hi, next here a new suggestion:

There should be an order or at least a unit that lets you appropriate/convert units (or even structures) from your opponent, say when these are weakened down to only a few percentage strength left .. it would cost your own repair (your unit(s) that attacked) and the concerned units repair fees yet one would gain a unit without the need to build it -and for cheaper perhaps- and would take less than 100 turns until back to full power .. just a suggestion .. it would be achievable unless the attacked unit has an order to retrieve from battle at inflicted damage of xx% (cancel at damage treshold) .. this could also solve the problem about how to get to the assets of players that left the game .. and possibly get hold of the so craved for big MAK ships and such.

edited by Surgicus on 11/15/2017
Small bug when downgrading Dreadnoughts


there is a small bug when downgrading a Dreadnought.
For example, take a battleship with no upgrades on movement set but a few on attack, when issuing the order to downgrade the speed it will shout out a red message saying -must select an upgrade that exists on unit-, yet, when trying the same on a Dreadnought the message will not be displayed plus it will remain in that downgrade state turn after turn until cancelled.

I did not try yet if the situation applies for other ships.

Artifacts removal suggestion


this regards the artifacts deployed on ships and the fact that these are not removable. I understand this was conditional during Beta and after launch, yet so many modifications have happened since .. so a whole lot of us are of the opinion it might be necessary to remedy this situation and change, bring in some modifications here as well: mounted artifacts should be removable yet when done so they are also lost, they can not be re-used.

This option would bring a change of dynamics to the game and widen possibilities for trade oriented as well as military focused companies. It would be a strategic twist for many aspects of the game play: one could work on acquiring artifacts in view to switch unit specialties between diverse directions like core mining to expanding far reaching commerce to fierce military.

We hope this suggestion will be welcome,

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