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Topic: wrote an article about us

Comment awaiting moderation.... wonder if it's visible at that point though?
Problem with trading

The penalty only applies to the resources which are extracted - not to the stuff you produce.

Thus if you had two huge factories making smartphones - no problem. No penalties.

However, if you were here on earth trying to have massive oil rigs trying to extract the very last drop of oil out of a deposit - yeah the cost of extraction goes up.

End game is really forgetting about extraction and focussing on production.
Problem with trading

It makes sense because you are first going to mine the areas which are easier to mine. Then as you open up more mines, you either have to go deeper (more expensive) or work with ores that are not as rich (more expensive) or... etc

In this game more mines ALSO means more production - but at a cost that's all just like in the real world.

(the model is not perfectly accurate, but overall it makes sense)

It's actually important to see the impact that this has within the game.

What is more valuable - a site with 18 resource value and 3 mines or a site with 16 resource value and no mines?

It also allows for interesting economic warfare - I can crash your mines if I build mine next to yours, but at a cost.

And it also encourages you to move to develop higher level commodities. That is a good thing too.

A game were all you do is plop mines make them big and make megabucks... well that's kinda boring.
Production change notification

It would be great if there was some kind of notification on when a facility has actually received an order to change production.

There are several ways in which the order may be lost or simply forgotten and it is quite important for future planning to ensure that a production change is indeed taking place.

Ideally this would be in the assets list - just like we get notifications for upgrades and overcrowding it should be possible to see at a glance changes in production.

Production change notification

Oh yes about those asset search features....

For me the most useful thing would be to be able to see assets at a given location - the number of times I caught myself thinking oh I'm fine have plenty of precious metals to keep production going... only to come back and find my factories at a standstill because those metals where on a different planet is... painful!

So at least in my perspective - assets view by location would be very very useful.
Problem with trading

To be fair - I also think (and have stated elsewhere) that the cap of 1000 to trigger the Ocrowd is a bit rough - I would not mind if it was raised a bit especially to allow new players to get a hang of the system without having to tangle with it initially - I also think that it should be possible to downgrade (as well as upgrade) production facilities precisely because of the Ocrowd effect that can significantly alter your production in a single location.

However as Salbazier has pointed out - we both agree that the Ocrowd system as such is necessary and is an important part of what makes this game interesting, challenging and diffferent.

Conflict for a reason is important. A reason for conflict is inspiring.
Question on order of operations at end of turn

Thanks from me too very helpful.

Looking at this line though (which is critical)

Production - takes components for production first

It seems to me that in fact there are two steps here.

1) Allocate materials for production
2) Production

which means in practice that materials which are produced on a given turn cannot be used downstream for other production processes. A small but important thing to note.

Am I right?

Also some more detail on combat resolution would be helpful - i.e. lets say at a given location a group of raiders is attacking ALL and units from Player A are attacking units from Player B.

How does that play out?
Question on order of operations at end of turn

Oh that reminds me - would be FANTASTIC if those structures which are flagged as inoperable could actually notify of the fact - something like "no production last turn" under the assets list or something like that. I've already noticed that you are charged the full production cost even if production itself does not take place because of lack of materials *grumbles about logistics*
Problem with trading

Suggestion - after two weeks of inactivity set all structures to halt production.

That way in case something happens people can return - I would still delete everything but give a bit more time. Just from my own experience on these things...
Problem with trading

Ah gotcha - when you say liquidate it's not erase never to be seen again - but turn all assets into cash. Sounds great wink

(Can you tell I had an account deleted from a game without notice that left me with a bit of a sour taste at one point?)
Logistics Cap?

105 for industry and 500 for military.

Not nearly enough :p
Market Building

Fort could double as a warehouse and protect goods from raids - fort is a bit weak as-is right now.
APC Unit Cargo Space

All items (ACPs etc) seem to have 100 cargo space size.

They fit nicely in a scout. Make the scout move fast and you get rapid expansion of your empire.
Logistics Cap?

Actually it's the industry cap I find low wink

But hey I'm more of an industry kinda guy.... now that you mention those varitek units though...
2nd Level Industries

Actually there are several ways to control this.

Here is how I've been doing it:

1) You can actually control the amount of material that a transport picks up.

2) You need to understand how much stuff your factories are going to need.

You never EVER need more than two transports to sell stuff from a factory. Level up your transports - their capacity is HUGE as you level them up.

Ok so here is how I've been doing it:

Lets say I need basic wood. For argument's sake lets say I extract 500 units of wood, my factories need 200 and I want to sell 300. So far so good right?

First I ship ALL of my stock of wood to the production facility that needs it. Every single load goes there.

From there I start to redistribute. and it works like this:

I build up a buffer for the production to never stop (at least 10 times what I need - so say at least 5000 units here). Then I estimate how much it takes for a transport to make a sales run (this is tricky to calculate up front. Estimating both the movement time and the sales time involves a bit of guesswork and it is not very satisfactory), then I make sure that I load the enough material to achieve a steady state. Trial and error can work better here in some ways especially if you have something a bit complex.

Just make sure you always do two things:

1) Stockpile your goods where you are going to use them, not where you are producing them


2) Setup your sales routes so that your stock never dips below about 10-20 turns worth of materials.

And you are golden.

Incidentally - I find that the Tutorial is slightly misleading - as you get closer to an end game the last thing you want to be doing is selling primary production... that's just such a waste.
edited by Vulpex on 9/2/2016
Logistics Cap?

If you are looking at it from the point of view of primary production - then yes 10x10 sounds nice... (except you are NEVER going to build a primary extractor to level 10 if you are trying to turn a profit - even if you only have resource value of 10 you are going to be paying 20% more in Ocrowd extraction assuming you are on your own... and heaven forbid you find a quality 20+ deposit...

But I digress - having industry limited at 105 means in practice that you are going to be looking for efficiencies sake at having all of your industries in the same planet, or at least the same system. It is just about enough to have two production systems to tier 2 goods in two completely different systems... but the hassle is not worth it for me. (Tried... pain was too great)
Ability to sell Military units to other players

would be nice to be able to sell production facilities - going to have to sell my hi-tech lvl 10 facility back in sol soon and it makes me almost want to cry...
2nd Level Industries

Doctor Dread wrote:
To be fair, managing your trade and supplies is pretty much 80% of the game =)

Really? What's the other 20% I've not found it yet :p
ACP structures breeding like rabbits...

Ok there is something weird with ACPs they seem to be breeding!

I had 3-4 left in Sol after I moved away to Gulyaev because you know... it takes a while for freight to move around and the structure ACPs were not a priority.

And KABOOM - now I have 12 structures there.

Not that I'm complaining you understand... but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to happen that way. I'm getting my prudish neighbour all worked up about the loss of morals in Uranus...
No production in London

I'm going to guess it's the bad weather...
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