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SSL Please

For what it's worth, I agree that this should be done relatively soon.
I'm not saying it will prevent me from becoming a supporter soon (yay paypal), but it is disconcerting that something so basic for any site handling money in any way hasn't been done.
Corp Jingle

Not sure if an attempt has been made to address this yet, but I have this problem as well
Unit Description Typos

Not really a bug, and I don't know if you intend to correct things like this at this point in the game's life, so if you want to stop this thread, let me know.
I've noticed a few I haven't bothered to report, but i think I'm going to start.
So first Warpgate description

Orbital Megastructure. Allows ships to boost there movement speed 1x-100x faster for one movement destination as a cost

should be "their" movement speed and "at" a cost.
Specific Comm Channels

I tried to send a message only to the city of Chicago.
The Channel indicator seems to say that I was successful, but apparently nynoxaff got a notification and was able to view the message.

I thought maybe he had a transport or something in Chicago on the turn I sent the message, but he doesn't have any units on Earth.
Rulership titles idea

Out of curiosity, would it be possible for the ruler income to go to a separate pool? perhaps tied to the position rather than the corporation.
Those funds could be controlled by the ruler and:
taken for themselves
given as wages to those given the suggested titles
used to purchase no-upkeep, location-only defenses
used to "sell" resources to the city rather than/in addition to using personal funds.in order to manage demand. This could also lead to cities being able to accept sell contracts though it might force the seller to deliver.

I feel like this would necessitate a different boost for the ruler than just monetary (which really isn't that much at city level anyway)

It would also make leadership transitions more interesting given the instant gain/loss of a potentially large pool of resources.
And as I type I realize you would need to freeze funds or at least prevent them being being taken by the current ruler during an election lol
Alert Beacon

I think it would be nice to have some sort of structure that could be built anywhere, including open space, that would send a comm to the owner if someone entered the structure's range.
This would probably be easier to implement if the other idea to have Ally and Enemy lists was implemented first. This could be another application of that besides auto attacking.
Kaiju 9 Monster

Metoneca, I don't know if you got a more helpful answer somewhere else, and you can get most of this by looking at the event and battle reports, but:
The Kaiju types are listed at the very bottom of the combat section of the guide. They attack as armored, battlesuit, or fighter units (with their strengths and weaknesses) depending on the type. I believe the levels are the same as our units, so a Kaiju lvl 9 has a 87 multiplier to it's values.
What units you would need to have to be useful depends on the monster type as mentioned. All the strengths/weaknesses can be found in the combat charts in the guide.
Additionally the monsters are allergic to a particular resource. If they enter a space with that resource, they will take damage based on the amount of the material present.
Finally, the Kaiju automatically attacks any location in enters, so if you set your units to Guard Location at a point in the monsters's path, you will engage it when it arrives.

You receive a monetary reward based on the amount you are able to contribute to the battle. Unless the monster is vastly overwhelmed, it's usually not worth it to participate just to try and get the reward.
Alert Beacon

That would be great.
This would also help with the problem people are having about not noticing raiders in the area.
Production Changes Not Sticking

I've had this as well, and it does seem to happen more often on my phone which would support Zilch's theory of the order not hitting the server.
Rules of Engagement Suggestion

Sol Accords

I. Judgements regarding the interpretation of these accords shall be made by the next leadership level above that of the affected Corporation[s]:
A. "Affected Corporation" to be defined by article III
B. Should a relevant authority be unavailable, rulings shall be made by a consensus of members of the same leadership level:
1. No fewer than three representatives must agree on the ruling
2. Peers shall be from the same star system if available
3. Peers belonging to the same guild as either party of the conflict may not participate in this vote
C. Should the relevant authority be a guild member of either party of the conflict
1. They shall make this information public if it is not independently discovered
2. Rulings shall be made in accordance with article I-B
D. Inter-system conflict shall be administered by a consensus of members of Emperor rank and higher
1. No fewer than three representatives must agree on the ruling
E. Conflict involving Star Lords shall be administerd by a council of Mayor rank
1. No fewer than five representatives must agree on the ruling
2. At least two representatives must be from each involved system
3. Peers belonging to the same guild as either party of the conflict may not participate in this vote
F. "Sufficient Military" to be determined by leadership based on
1. The available military strength of the Aggressor
2. The available military strength of the affected corporation
3. The degree of damage done by the initial attack

II. No corporation shall be attacked so long as all of the following apply to the intended target:
- They are below one billion credits in net worth
- They have been in business for less than 4320 turns (30 days IRL)
- They have NOT initiated a military action on another corporation
A. Attacks against such targets will result in heavy reparations paid by the attacking corporation
B. If payment is not made, retaliatory attacks may be made by any corporation at the request of the affected corporation or relevant leadership

Affected Corporations
III. An attack resulting in population loss to a city or planet shall be considered an attack on:
A. The intended target corporation
B. The ruler directly responsible for said population
1. A city attack shall be considered an attack on the Mayor of said city
2. A planetary attack not taking place in a city shall be considered an attack on the Emperor
a. If a moon does not have an Emperor, said moon shall be considered under the purview of the Emperor of its planet or a publicly appointed steward
b. If a steward has been appointed, any retaliation must come from said steward
c. An attack on a city shall be considered an attack on the Emperor if there is no Mayor or proven city builder
C. Any corporation who can show proof of significant contributions to the growth of the affected city
1. 'Proof' being defined as consistant sales of no fewer than six tier 1-3 products to the city over the last 500 turns
2. A public declaration of intent to grow a city may also suffice, at the discretion of leadership as described in article I
D. Any corporation with units or buildings at the site of the attack if the attack was against the entire location
E. A Star Lord may involve themself in any conflict taking place in their system even if the site is unpopulated
1. This power to be used soley to prevent abuse of one corporation by another
2. Public, non-military action shall be attempted before resorting to armed conflict
F. Non-military, artifact attacks shall be considered attacks on all parties of the affected area regardless of involvement in city growth

Retaliation and Escalation
IV. Retaliation must come from an affected corporation unless escalated per article V
A. If an affected corporation posesses insufficient military to retailiate, they may:
1. Request a representative of their guild retaliate on their behalf
2. Hire another corporation to attack on their behalf if:
a. The affected corporation is not a member of a guild
b. No single guild member of the affected corporation has sufficient military to retaliate
B. An attack made by a representative must be declared publicly
1. If public declaration is not made, this attack shall be considered an independent initial attack and evaluated by these accords

V. In the event of multiple stikes against a single corporation or coordinated attacks against a guild, affected corporation[s] may escalate the conflict to the guild level. Such escalation shall occur as follows:
A. Public warning of pending escalation shall be given to the initial aggressor
1. Warning shall clearly state the intention of guild involvement
2. Warning shall provide terms by which to avoid escalation
3. Warning shall give a compliance deadline of no fewer than 12 turns (2 hours) after which escalation may proceed
B. Terms may be in the form of reparations or cessation of hostilities by the aggressor
1. If terms are accepted within the deadline, no escalation may occur
2. If any retaliatory attacks are made after said agreement
a. The original aggressor becomes the affected corporation
b. The original affected corporation becomes the aggressor
c. This and future attacks shall be evaluated by these accords under the new conditions
C. Should the agressor find the provided terms unfair, they may publically appeal to the relevant authority
1. If such an appeal is made, all attacks by all parties must stop until a verdict is given or 144 turns (1 day) have passed
2. If any attacks continue by the agressor against the same corporation, the appeal shall be considered void
3. If retaliatory attacks continue by the initial, affected corporation or any representatives thereof after 12 turns (2 hours) from the appeal, the appeal is immidiately validated
a. Following attacks shall be reviewed as under article V-B-2
D. Once a conflict has escalated
1. The guild of the initial aggressor may become involved without further delay or warning
2. All guild members of both initial parties become fair targets
a. Exception given to corporations under article II
E. If the initial, triggering attack was made by multiple members of the same guild, the conflict shall be immidiately escalated
1. The affected corporation[s] may retaliate at guild level without warning
F. Guild wars shall last no longer than 1008 turns (1 week)
1. After this period, intervantion may occur at the discretion of relevant leadership, up to and including the formation of a coalition to eliminate all parties of the war
G. No more than two guilds may be engaged in a single war
1. If more than two guilds engage in war against the same third guild, relevant leadership will intervene upon request by the third guild
2. Intervention shall be at the discretion of leadership, up to and including the formation of a coalition to eliminate the aggressive parties of the war

VI. A need for reparations shall be determined by relevant leadership based on the history of the current conflict
edited by Wreith42 on 2/16/2018
Kaiju 9 Monster

Essentially, yes.
In a Kaiju battle we are the defenders. It will attack anything at its location every turn.
Kaiju 9 Monster

With attack orders, that IS how it works. All corporations that intend to attack together have to set the exact same orders or individual battles will be created.
Maybe it only applies to the attacker. I thought It applied both ways. But the Kaiju is for sure attacking location, so I guess everyone defends together regardless of the specific order.
Kaiju 9 Monster

With attack orders, that IS how it works. All corporations that intend to attack together have to set the exact same orders or individual battles will be created.
Maybe it only applies to the attacker. I thought It applied both ways. But the Kaiju is for sure attacking location, so I guess everyone defends together regardless of the specific order.

You should be able to pick up products anywhere. You don't have to have a shipyard at every location you pickup from.
Shipyards are not worth much on defense. Military bases are better, but still not worth as much as other ground defenses. Ships and Military Units are best simply because they can be used other places.

So yeah, it's not worth having a shipyard anywhere but where you intend to build ships.
Transfer Cargo Refinement

I don't know how the products are defined in the code, but would it be at all possible to have additional options in the Transfer Cargo command to select by Tiers.
like. Transfer Cargo > End Products > All Products
would get whichever Tier 3 product had the highest quantity at the location. (as opposed to the highest quantity over all which is almost universally raw material)

I feel like this might be a relatively simple change that wold help with the micromanagement currently required.
Violation by Sore Cogs & Dragons Gear

Contract ID 9308
Corporation Dragons Gear
Type of Trade Sell to another corporation - Specific Corporation
Corp To Trade With Sore Cogs Galactical
Product Stack * This Contract Has No Units *
Sell Price: $300,000,000 Unit Value: $0
Contract Term Start Turn: Immediately
Contract Title Sell Vegetables 66 for $300,000,000
Contract Notes
Contract Status Completed
Violation by Sore Cogs & Dragons Gear

This was clearly a violation of the alt rules as they are written. Units and funds were moved to an alt with the express purpose of attacking someone.

The roleplay was taken poorly because it was done poorly. Trying to excuse an unprovoked attack after the fact with an overused RP theme is in poor taste. Cogs just came off as a jerk who didn't want to take responsibility and risk his main assets.

Haedus Disciple, Safehold, and Light of Hypocrisy are doing it right.
The roleplay began before any attacks. That allows it to be entertaining for everyone and not just the one blowing other peoples stuff up.

I have no problem with alts in general and wouldn't have a problem with this one if there had been any hint of the RP before the attack and if there had been any attempt to make the alt legitimate with industry instead of just a vehicle for attacking people (and that only because that's what the rules say)
Kaiju Upgrade

I feel like they seem weak because the damage types they do are more geared toward ground combat and we use ships to respond.
Maybe change Grisgaru to attack like a Varitek.
And somehow increase its speed at reaching its target city so the ground damage it does is more of a threat. Either decrease spawn radius from the target or don't have the 3 turns at starting location. Could also increase movement speed, but I feel like that would be less well received.

Another option would be to give a range from a coordinate instead of the actual spawn location. Like within 3 spaces of 12:12
Kaiju Upgrade

Resources haven't been used on the ones spawning in Sirius as yet.
The last big one to spawn on earth was primarily damaged by resources, but that was because it actually spawned in a city where they were stored. It wasn't intentional.
I think The combined fleets that normally respond to events would have handled it without the resources.

Changing the flying Kaiju as described might alleviate this somewhat, yes.
Generic Contracts

It seems you can create a contract that allows selling any product.

If you create a contract like normal, choose a product, set quantity, price & location, and then go back and remove the product specifications, you can create a usable contract and can deliver any product. I created contract 9832 as an example.
You'll end up with a blank row in the Transfer Cargo > Use Contract list. (attached image)
You can set the transfer order to any product before checking "Use Contract" and that will be the product sold.

Incidentally, this can also count as a feature request. Being able to sell multiple products with a single contract would be quite useful, but it should probably be documented properly in some fashion lol
edited by Wreith42 on 4/11/2018

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